Objective Questions in Fisheries and Aquaculture
MCQ on Aquatic Health and Management
Objective Questions in Fisheries Science
- 1. Fish lice is known as
- a. Ichthyophthrius
- b. Lernaea
- c. Ergasilus
- d. Argulus
- 2. The causative organism for Bacterial Kidney Disease is
- a. Aeromonas
- b. Renibacterium
- c. Mycobacterium
- d. Edwardsiella
- 3. Which one is a protozoan disease.
- a. Salmonellosis
- b. Costiasis
- c. Tuberoculosis
- d. Saprolegniosis
- 4. Common disinfectant containing iodine is
- a. Iodex
- b. Iridophore
- c. Iodophore
- d. Acriflavin
- 5. Which group has a direct life cycle without involvement of intermediary hosts.
- a. Crustaceans
- b. Digeneans
- c. Monogeneans
- d. Protozoans
- 6. Fish immunoglobulin belongs to which class.
- a. IgA
- b. IgG
- c. IgD
- d. IgM
- 7. Yeast glucan is used as
- a. Antibiotic
- b. Probiotic
- c. Bioremediator
- d. Immunostimulant
- 8. Formalin is used as a chemotherapeutic through which method of treatment.
- a. Oral
- b. Injection
- c. Immersion
- d. Spray
- 9. Which causes cotton wool disease in fish.
- a. Ichthyobodo
- b. Aspergillus
- c. Saprolegnia
- d. Aphanomyces
- 10. Enteric Red Mouth disease is caused by
- a. Yersenia
- b. Yellow Head Virus
- c. Renibacterium
- d. Aeromonas
- 11. Best growth performance in fishes is observed at what ppm of DO2 in pond water.
- a. 4.0
- b. 4.5
- c. 5.0
- d. 5.5
- 12. Dropsy can be treated with
- a. Formalin
- b. Aeration
- c. Lime
- d. Chloramphenicol
- 13. Luminiscent Vibrios are associated with diseases in
- a. Crabs
- b. Carps
- c. Catfishes
- d. Shrimps
- 14. Haemolymph is found in
- a. Labeo rohita
- b. Clarias batrachus
- c. Penaeus indicus
- d. Tilapia mosambica
- 15. Which one is known as blood fluke.
- a. Dactylogyrus
- b. Gyrodactylus
- c. Diplostomum
- d. Sanguinicola
- 16. E.U.S. is caused by
- a. Aeromonas
- b. Rhabdovirus
- c. Aphanomyces
- d. Saprolegnia
- 17. SEMBV is associated with
- a. Crabs
- b. Carps
- c. Catfishes
- d. Shrimps
- 18. Myolema cells are prerequisite in which technique.
- a. PCR
- b. Monoclonal antibody
- c. Immunofluorescence
- d. Cell culture
- 19. Poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis is used to detect
- a. Carbohydrate
- b. Protein
- c. DNA
- d. RNA
- 20. Which one is used as fish anaesthetics.
- a. Tri-sodium citrate
- b. Benzocaine
- c. Tricaine
- d. All of these
- 21. Which one has a life cycle with no involvement of intermediate host.
- a. Monogeneans
- b. Digeneans
- c. Cestodes
- d. Crustaceans
- 22. The reaction of tissues to injury characterized clinically by swelling and redness is called as
- a. Infection
- b. Inflammation
- c. Incubation
- d. Inoculation
- 23. Disease/Infection naturally transmitted between a vertebrate animal and human is called as
- a. Transgenic
- b. Transboundary
- c. Zoonotic
- d. Traumatic
- 24. Which larval stage of digeneans cause extensive losses and mortality in fishes.
- a. Cercaria
- b. Metacercaria
- c. Miracidium
- d. Oncomiracidium
- 25. Renibacterium salmoninarum is the causative agent of
- a. EUS
- b. ERM
- c. BKD
- d. IHHNV
- 26. Argulus foliaceus belongs to sub-class
- a. Copepoda
- b. Branchiura
- c. Isopoda
- d. Gastropoda
- 27. Gas bubble disease occur due to super saturation of
- a. Ammonia
- b. Carbon dioxide
- c. Oxygen
- d. Hydrogen sulphide
- 28. Which one is the possible causative agent of EUS.
- a. Aphanomyces sp.
- b. Saprolegnia sp.
- c. Aeromonas sp.
- d. Vibrio sp.
- 29. More number of fishes can be vaccinated by which method
- a. Immersion
- b. Injection
- c. Oral
- d. Bath
- 30. Which cells are called phagocytic cells in fish.
- a. Epithelial cells
- b. Red blood cells
- c. Lymphocyte cells
- d. Macrophage cells
- 31. Skin fluke in teleost is
- a. Dactylogyrus sp.
- b. Gyrodactylus sp.
- c. Diplostomum sp.
- d. Ligula sp.
- 32. What is used to correct water during EUS outbreak.
- a. Formalin
- b. KMnO4
- c. Butox
- d. CIFAX
- 33. White tail disease is a what type of disease of prawn.
- a. Bacterial
- b. Viral
- c. Fungal
- d. Parasitic
- 34. Which one is an endoparasite in fish.
- a. Ichthyophthrius
- b. Ichthyobodo
- c. Sangunicola
- d. Argulus
- 35. The common fungus that affects the fish eggs is
- a. Aspergillus
- b. Aphanomyces
- c. Fusarium
- d. Saprolegnia
- 36. Which one is an excellent virucidal agent used to disinfect hatchery equipments.
- a. Chlorine
- b. U-V rays
- c. Ozone
- d. Iodofor
- 37. Channel catfish viral disease causes most severe loss when water temperature reaches
- a. 5°C
- b. 10°C
- c. 15°C
- d. 20°C
- 38. Which one is caused by Branchiomyces sangunis.
- a. Ulcerative disease
- b. Whirling disease
- c. Gill rot
- d. Columnaris
- 39. The main route of entry of vaccine by immersion vaccination is through
- a. Mouth
- b. Skin
- c. Lateral line
- d. Gill
- 40. Large scale outbreaks of communicable diseases occurring over a large geographical area is
- a. Epizootics
- b. Epidemics
- c. Zoonotics
- d. Infections
- 41. Lernea is otherwise known as
- a. Fish lice
- b. Tape worm
- c. Anchor worm
- d. Luke worm
- 42. Exuvia entrapment disease is commonly found in
- a. Carps
- b. Catfishes
- c. Prawns
- d. Bivalves
- 43. Which one causes protozoan fouling in shrimp.
- a. Ichthyophthrius
- b. Ichthyobodo
- c. Myxobolus
- d. Zoothamnium
- 44. Which is one of the larval stages of digenetic trematode.
- a. Tomite
- b. Fry
- c. Miracidium
- d. Procercoid
- 45. Enteric red mouth disease is more common in
- a. Salmons
- b. Trouts
- c. Channel catfish
- d. IMC
- 46. Ulcerative diseases in fish are caused by
- a. Aeromonas
- b. Pseudomonas
- c. Vibrio
- d. Myxobacterium
- 47. Aphanomyces invadens is the causative organism of
- a. Mycotic granulommatosis
- b. Red spot disease
- c. EUS
- d. All of these
- 48. Which is known as luminescent vibrio in shrimp culture.
- a. V. Harveyi
- b. V. alginolyticus
- c. V. parahaemolyticus
- d. All of these
- 49. Which is responsible for Scoliosis in fish.
- a. Lactic acid
- b. Ascorbic acid
- c. Aspartic acid
- d. Sulphuric acid
- 50. Asphyxiation in fish is due to
- a. Air embolism
- b. O2 depletion
- c. NH3 production
- d. H2S production
Answer Key
- 1. d
- 2. b
- 3. b
- 4. c
- 5. c
- 6. d
- 7. c
- 8. c
- 9. c
- 10. a
- 11. c
- 12. c
- 13. d
- 14. c
- 15. d
- 16. c
- 17. d
- 18. b
- 19. b
- 20. d
- 21. a
- 22. b
- 23. c
- 24. b
- 25. c
- 26. b
- 27. c
- 28. a
- 29. c
- 30. d
- 31. b
- 32. d
- 33. b
- 34. c
- 35. d
- 36. a
- 37. c
- 38. c
- 39. d
- 40. a
- 41. c
- 42. c
- 43. d
- 44. c
- 45. c
- 46. c
- 47. c
- 48. a
- 49. b
- 50. b
Prepared by: Gowhar Iqbal, PG Scholar, Fish Biotechnology, ICAR – CIFE MUMBAI and Dr. Mohd Ashraf Rather, Assistant Professor, SKUAST-K
Email: gowhariqbal002@gmail.com