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Digital technologies and its domains for future integration in real world


technologies and its domains for future integration in real world

1. Why Digital technologies is important 


The Digital technologies (digital employees, internet
of things, artificial intelligence, virtual & augmented reality,
block-chain, 3d printing., drones and robotics & automation) are
electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or
process data. Well known examples include social media, online games,
multimedia and mobile phones. Digital learning is any type of
learning that uses technology. It can happen across all curriculum
learning areas.


Digital technologies is important

The basic purpose of digital technology platform is
that it should provide technology-enabled services to the business. Technology
has revolutionized the go to market strategy of modern businesses. Digital
Platform that will become the new business model and accelerate the reach of
new markets. Digital technologies change reality in a fundamental way. After
centuries of scientific studies and of philosophical reflections, we could
reasonably claim to master the offline world. But the online world is not just
a dimension “added” to the development of digital technologies to be studied in
the same way as the offline world. 

The online dimension has actually led to a
confusion and fusion of online and offline. We are onlife, to borrow the
neologism of the philosophers of information. Problems such as the privacy of
personal data on the Internet, or the right to be forgotten, are clearly
generated by digital technologies. But their “onlife” character requires
that—before any ethical verdict can be advanced—the nature of the problem is
understood. Understanding the nature of the problem implies ontological and
epistemological reflections that, together, can inform ethics.


of Digital technologies


Digital technologies 

Digital technologies have advanced more rapidly
than any innovation in our history – reaching around 50 per cent of the
developing world’s population in only two decades and transforming societies.
By enhancing connectivity, financial inclusion, access to trade and public
services, technology can be a great equalizer.

Artificial intelligence/ Machine

Artificial intelligence will make a big influence on
current technologies. Basically, Artificial intelligence refers to the machine
or computer, able to solve the problem or task done by human using natural
intelligence. The algorithms and technology synchronized in a way that it
assists the humans with normal intelligence to perform a simple task without
being given an order. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence.
As the name says it enable the machine to learn to take actions. AI in mobile
is the emerging trend in future and it holds immense potential.

Internet Of Things 

Internet Of Things is the inter-networking of
connected devices that enable these objects to collect and exchange data. It does
not need any interaction between humans or between human with a computer. From
physical devices to household items, vehicles, building it will open new
opportunities everywhere.


Digital technologies
impacts and ethical concerns

A digital technology not only impairs cognitive
development, but it also may result in psychological disorders. In teenagers, Digital
technologies can seriously affect their mental and emotional wellbeing. In
this age, mostly all teenagers depend on social media as their source of
entertainment or outlet.

It is only once we recognize how much
the onlife world differs from the old offline world that we can
sketch out a new discourse about ethics. In particular, an informational
approach provides an overarching methodological framework in which we can
juggle with three fundamental elements of philosophical thinking: what the
world is (i.e., ontology), how we can get knowledge of the world (i.e.,
epistemology), and the normative dimension at ethico-political level. These
three are essentially related and interconnected. However, due to the
hyper-specialization of the sciences and of philosophy, they grew into distinct
sub-disciplines that, by and large, talk past each other rather
than to each other.

technologies, with their ethical challenges, provide us with the opportunity to
bring together ethics, ontology, and epistemology in a coherent approach. To
date, the philosophy of information is the approach that more than others has
the potential to understand this new onlife dimension and to guide us
out of the impasse of technological determinism.

the rest of us should care

An important lesson from the philosophy of information
is that there is no essential difference between humans and machines. This has
repercussions on a number of debates. On the one hand, we must rethink our
categories to understand the nature of informational organisms. What makes us
humans distinct from animals or computers is not our ability to process
information but the responsibility we hold towards other inforgs and
the infosphere during the whole information cycle.

On the other hand, and at a
more general epistemological level, the effects of ICTs are profound and
pervasive. The creation of knowledge is not an exclusive prerogative of human
beings: knowledge becomes situated, embodied, distributed, and relational—and
this across humans, machines, institutions, or environments. Recognizing these
characteristics of knowledge help mending (philosophy of) technology and
(philosophy of) science so that ethical questions can be an integral part of


.                                    Digital technologies and world 



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