We are a professional in Fisheries science subjects. Dr . Mohd Ashraf Rather (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Fisheries Rangil- Ganderbal which is under Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Shalimar campus, Srinagar–Jammu and Kashmir 190025)
is the founder of this website. We are trying to provide valuable information related to the fisheries and aquaculture sector. The rapid growth of fisheries and aquaculture has contributed enormously towards achieving food, nutritional and livelihood security around the globe. The essence of the blue revolution can be felt around the world particularly due to the sustainable introduction of aquaculture science and technologies. Global aquaculture has witnessed several fold growth during the last five decades and still growing endlessly with a tag of the fastest-growing food-producing sector around the world. According to ‘The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture”( (SOFIA) FAO, the total production of global fish in 2016 moved an all-time high of 171 million tonnes, contributed by means of comparatively stable capture fisheries production and sustained aquaculture growth. The major share of world total production, around 88%, is utilized directly for human consumption and it leads to the upsurge in per capita consumption to a record high of 20.3 kg in 2016. This website will put forward the uniquely amalgamated information’s on several key aspects of fisheries and aquaculture science such as recent updates and news related with fisheries research, education, job, fisheries statistics, fisheries question bank for students, fisheries scholarships for higher studies, fisheries articles, general science articles and many more under a single umbrella. This will work as a value addition towards enhancing the understanding of readers including scientists, teachers, students, researchers, entrepreneur and all those who are interested in fisheries and aquaculture science.
Note: it’s kind request for all the viewers to back check information provided by this portal. Our team will not be responsible for any misinformation or miscommunication.
Thank you.