Objective Questions in Aquaculture for State Fisheries Science Officer Exam

Objective Questions in Aquaculture or MCQ for State Fisheries Science Officer Exam
Which nonspecific defense mechanism is present in shrimp?
- a) Phagocytosis
- b) Encapsulation
- c) Pro-phenoloxidase system
- d) All
Answer: d
In which system aeration is not provided?
- a) Bio-floc technology
- b) RAS
- c) Raceway
- d) Bottom clean technology
Answer: d
Limiting nutrient of the freshwater pond is.
- a) Nitrogen
- b) Phosphorous
- c) Potassium
- d) Calcium
Answer: b
The gene having a masking effect is called —–
- a) Modifier gene
- b) Epistatic gene
- c) Hypostatic gene
- d) Pleiotropic gene
Answer: b
The Chemical formula of dolomite is –
- a) CaMg(CO3)2
- b) CaCO3
- c) [Al2(SO4)3]
- d) Ca(OH)2
Answer: a
IUCN stands for—–
- a) International union for convention on nature
- b) International union for conservation of nature
- c) International union on nature conservation
- d) None of these
Answer: b
Which of the following is not used in the induced breeding of Indian major carps?
- a) Ovapel
- b) Ovatide
- c) Estradiol
- d) Wova – FH
Answer: c
Which of the following is an indigenous cold water fish species found in the Himalayan region?
- a) Brown trout
- b) Snow trout
- c) Brook trout
- d) Common carp
Answer: b
Which of the following is correct in decreasing order of toxicity-
- a) Ammonia > nitrate > Nitrite > nitrogen
- b) Ammonia > Nitrite > nitrate > nitrogen
- c) Ammonia > nitrate > nitrogen > Nitrite
- d) nitrate > Ammonia > Nitrite > nitrogen
Answer: b
Which shape of cage is more effective —
- a) Rectangular
- b) Square
- c) Round
- d) Oblong
Answer: c
Family of Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica)
- a) Delphinidae
- b) Lipotoidea
- c) Lipotoidea
- d) Platanistidae
Answer: d
Cauvery river of the east coast system has some special features in __________ fish.
- a) Tor putitora
- b) Rohu
- c) Catla
- d) All the above
Answer: a
————— is debatably the most popular type of fishing reel.
- a) Baitcasting Reel
- b) Spinning Reel
- c) Both
- d) None
Answer: b
————— species, a cold water fish in India, is used as a manure
- a) Schizothorax Spp
- b) Garra
- c) Cyprinus Carpio
- d) Barilius
Answer: a
Ranjit Sagar Dam is located at…
- a) UT JK
- b) Punjab
- c) HP
- d) A and B
Answer: d
Earth summit in 1992 held at
- a) Stockholm
- b) Nairobi
- c) Rio de Janeiro
- d) New Delhi
Answer: c
India’s immense biological diversity represents about ————- of world’s fauna.
- a) 5.5%
- b) 6.5%
- c) 7.5%
- d) 8.5%
Answer: d
Father of biological classification—————
- a) John Ray
- b) Caroli Linnaei
- c) Aristotle
- d) Michael Adamson
Answer: b
————— method of taxonomy depends on identification and dating of fossils.
- a) Palaeotaxonomy
- b) Cytotaxonomy
- c) Operational taxonomic
- d) Chemotaxonomy
Answer: a
S.N of Apple snail is
- a) Asterias rubens
- b) Pieris sps
- c) Nepa sps
- d) Pila globose
Answer: d
It is a thin, transparent, iridescent layer secreted by the underlying epidermis.
- a) Coelomic epithelium
- b) Dermis
- c) Cuticle
- d) Muscles
Answer: c
Interconnecting link between fishes and amphibians.
- a) Hyracotherium
- b) Seymouria
- c) Archaeopteryx
- d) Ichthyostega
Answer: d
Pore bearers is typical character of —————
- a) Coelenterata
- b) Porifera
- c) Protozoa
- d) Echinodermata
Answer: b
S.N of brittle stars is
- a) Hyracotherium
- b) Ophiura ophiura
- c) Asterozoa
- d) Euryalida
Answer: b
Director of FAO is —————
- a) Qu Dongyu
- b) M.Q. Semedo
- c) Maria Helena
- d) None of the above
Answer: a
Credits: Dr. Mohd Ashraf Rather, Assistant Professor, SKUAST-K