Based on the memory of students, those who have appeared Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Examinations paper-2020, below are questions which had been asked in ICAR-JRF examinations paper-2020. Answers are highlighted in Red color
Fisheries and Aquaculture questions
ICAR- Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Examination Paper -2020
Fisheries and Aquaculture objectives questions
1. Skill can be effectively acquired by
a. Lecture b. Method
demonstration c. Community d. Listening
a. Natural mortality b. Total mortality c. Optimum catch d. Optimum
the maximum ice crystal formation zone lies between
a. -5*C to -1*C
b. -1*C to -5*C
c. -55*C to -60*C
d. -6*C to -10*C
minimum coastal length?
a. Goa b. Odisha c. Tamil Nadu d.
the fish Heteroneustus fossilis is
a. Magur b. Butter catfish c. Singhi d. Featherback
6. The variance ratio test is otherwise called
a. F-test b. t-test c. Z- test d. Chi
square test
The wavelength of light that is least absorbed by the ocean is
a. Red b. Blue
c. yellow d. Green
Match the list 1 and list 2
1 List
1. Lactoferrin
poultry egg 2.
Cows milk 3.
4. Conalbumin
answer is –
= A – 2 , B – 4 , C – 1 , D – 3
Which of the following is not used in the induced breeding of IMC
a. Ovatide b. Ovaprim c. Methyl testosterone d. WOVA-FH
Single largest fish species which supports fishery along the coast of Peru is
Theragra chalcogramma
Engraulis ringens
Clupea harengus
Katsuwonus pelamis
Fisheries and Aquaculture objective questions
11. In the natural collection of IMC seed from rivers the
following net was popularly used –
a. Cast net
b. Drag net c. Shooting net d. Purse seine net
the fishes are called
Jigs b. Live baits c. Artificial baits d. Lures
demand is –
a. Infinite
b. +1 c. -1 d. Zero
a. Decapoda (crustacea)
b. Mysida c. Isopoda d. Stomatopoda
a. Fish eggs b. Fish milt c. Fish embryos d. Both
fish egg and milt
of microorganisms in food is
a. MPN method b. Spread plate method c. Pour plate method d. Dye reduction
17. The instrument used to record the
speed of the vessel based on the acoustic principles is
a. Auto pilot b. Chromometers c.
Doppler logs d. Patent logs
Which of the following takes the value from -1 to 1
Correlation co-efficient
regression co-efficient
Fisher & Yates coefficient
The best raw material for construction of cold storage is
a. Steel b. Cement concrete c. Polyurethane foam panels d.
Fisheries and Aquaculture questions (MCQ)
The co-efficient of skewness for a normal distribution is
+1 b. -1 c. 3 d. 0
21. |
A. Yellowhead virus |
1. Scampi |
B. Myxosoma cerebralis |
2. Murrels |
C. Whitetail disease |
3. Tiger shrimp |
D. Epizootic ulcerative disease |
4. Trouts Correct answer is – = A – 3 , B – 4 , C – 1 , D – 2
22. Which river originates from the Deolali hills in Triambakeswar
near Nasik
a. The River Godavari
b. The River Mahanadi
c. The River Krishna
d. The River Narmada
23. Which of the following hormones is secreted by the pineal
gland in fishes
a. Melatonin b. Calcitonin c. Gonadotropin d. oxytocin
24. Weberian ossicles a chain of bony pieces present in a number
of teleosts connect the internal ear with
a. Swim bladder b. intestine c. Kidney d. pancreas
25. Best live feed for carp spawn in the
nurseries is
a. Rotifers
b. diatoms c. spirulina d. dinoflagellates
Number of larval stages in the freshwater prawn M.rosenbergii is
a. 11 b. 3 c. 6 d. 9
Best live feed for the larvae of M. rosenbergii is
Copepods b. Artemia nauplii c. Diatoms d.
Interrupted lateral line & a single nostril on each side of the snout are
the characteristics of which of the following family
Nandidae b. Cichlidae c. Carangidae d. Mullidae
The plankton that is associated with brackish water is
heleoplankton b. hypalmyroplankton c.
phytoplankton d. halioplankton
The toxic component Gossypol is usually present in
Cotton seeds b. soybeans c. mustard seeds d.
ground nut seeds
Fisheries and Aquaculture objective questions
31. In yarn numbering
system which is the most commonly used system for denoting the size of the yarn
a. Dennier
b. Tex system
c. Metric system
d. Number system
32. The study of the toxic effects of pollutants is
a. Biology b. Biochemistry c. histology d. bioassay
33. Beverton & Holts fish stock recruitment
model suggests that the relationship between parent stock and recruitment is
positive linear b. negative linear c. bell shape d. asymptote
34. The double seam of a can is characterised by
a. 1 layers b. 2 layers c. 5
layers d. 3 layers
35. Which of the following convention is also called
a. 1982 convention b.
Bonn convention c. Ramsar convention d. Washington convention
36. Given below 2
1 : Freshwater teleosts operate hyperosmotically to their surrounding medium
2 : Freshwater teleosts produce a large quality of dilute urine to remove
excess water
a. Both statement 1 and 2
are correct
b. Both statement 1 and 2 are incorrect
c. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is
d. Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is
37. Fish catch certificate in India is issued by
a. ICAR-CMFRI b. Fish survey of India c. MPEDA d. Export Inspection Council
38. The presence of Staphylococcus aureus in
processed seafood is an indication of which of the following
a. Faecal contamination b. Personal
hygiene c. Discolouration d. Black spot formation
39. A taxon which is evaluated against
the criteria in IUCN Red list but does not qualify forother categories in the
list is known as
Near threatened b. Vulnerable c. Least concern d.
Fisheries and Aquaculture objective questions
PRA stands for – Partcipatory Rural Appraisal
A. Giant clams |
1. Nuculidae |
B. Surf clams |
2. Veneridae |
C. Giant clams |
3. Donacidae |
D. Nut clams |
4. Tridacnidae |
Correct answer –
= A- 4 , B – 3 , C- 2 , D- 1
Fisheries and Aquaculture questions
42. As per the ICMSF standards the set limit for TPC in fresh and
frozen fish is
a. 107 cfu/g
b. 109 cfu/g
c. Nil
d. 102 cfu/g
In India fisheries within territorial waters is a
Union subject b. Concurrent subject c. State subject.
d. International subject
In the pellet feed manufacture the following temperature is ideal to heat the
feed mixture in the mill
a) 100-150 F
b) 160-185 F
c) 200-250
d) 50-100 F
In feeds stored in an unhygienic way for long period Aflatoxin are produced
by——–Aspergillus sp.
The scientific name Little Tuna—-Euthynnus affinis
Acid rain causes the emission of
CO2 & SO2
SO2 & carbon monoxide
sulphur dioxide & nitrogen dioxide
SO2 & nitrous oxide
The deepest trench in Indian ocean is——-Java trench
49. Which among the following is
NOT a greenhouse gas a. CO2 b. CH3 c. CO d. O3
50. Ram ventilation is well
noticed in —- fast
swimming pelagic fishes
51. 1st step in extension teaching is —- Attention
52. Induced breeding of IMC was achieved for the
first time in India by —- H. Choudhary & A.H. Alikunhi
53. Estuarine organisms are generally –mixohaline
54. Which state has the maximum area of Indian mangrove
a. Odisha b. WB c. Gujarat d. Tamil Nadu
55. Which of the following is an indigenous cold water
a. rainbow
trout b. Brown trout c. Snow trout d. brook trout
56. The device used to
prevent twisting and kinking of lines is called
a. Thimble b. Shackle c. Hooks d. Swivel
57. An approach in which gene expression (mRNA) is
analysed in a biological sample at a given time under specific condition is
referred to as
a. Proteomics b. Metabolomics c. Transcriptomics d. Nutrigenomics
58. The proportion of soap : oil in the emulsion
used for control of aquatic insects in carp nurseries is — 1:3
59. Virtual population of fish denotes
a. Virgin population b. absolute population c.
maximum sustainable population d. Exploited population
60. The regulatory protein which controls muscle
contraction & relaxation through its interaction with calcium is —– Troponin
Fisheries and Aquaculture questions
61. Which of the following gear is used for frog
a. Traps b. trawlers
c. Dredges d. shooting
62. The
end product of nitrification is —- Nitrate
63. Which region of the
Indian coast produces the maximum catch of non-penaeid shrimps —- Northwest coast
64. The organisms found attached over the surface
over the surface of vegetation is called as —- Periphyton
65. Whirling disease in fish is caused by —- Mixosoma cerebralis
66. The pituitary gland of which of the following
fish were successfully used for induced breeding of IMC
a. Mullets b. Feather backs c. Seabass d. Marine cat fish
67. Dropsy in fish is caused by —– Bacteria
68. Rapid increase in density with depth is called
— Pycnocline
69. The motility of bacteria is observed by
a. Gram staining
b. Simple staining
c. negative staining
d. Hanging drop technique
Fisheries and Aquaculture objective questions
One nautical mile is equal to how many km — 1.852 kms
71. |
A. Ends of a normal can |
1. Bacillus stearothermophilus |
B. Flat sour |
2. Clostridium botulinum |
C. Neurolytic toxin |
3. Bigelow |
D. General method of process calculation |
4.Concave or flat |
Correct answer
A – 4 , B – 1 , C – 2 , D – 3
nehereus forms a major single species along coast of —– Northwest
73. Tariff is a —
A tax levied on
imported goods
74. The estimated
reservoir area available in the country which can be used for fish culture is —- 3.15 m.ha
75. List 1 |
List 2 |
A. Macrobrachium rosenbergii. |
1. Exotic fish |
B. Oreochromis niloticus |
2. White leg shrimp |
C. Litopenaeus vannamei |
3. Scampy |
D. Anabas testudineus, |
4. Climbing perch
Correct answer = A – 3 , B – 1 , C – 2 , D – 4
76. The carcinogenic present in smokedfish is —- 3 – 4 benzopyrene
77. Salvenia is a — floating
78. A user can get files from another computer on the internet by
using —- FTP
79. In the manufacture of floating extruded feeds which of the
following conditions are required
High pressure, a. High pressure, a. High pressure,
High moisture, high temperature & low pressure
High temperature, high pressure & high moisture
Low pressure, high temperature & low moisture
The bacterium associated with the Kanagawa phenomenon
is —– Vibrio parahaemolyticus
81. The paints are used
where the vessel area is subjected to corrosion both by water and air is called
——Boat topping
An approach to biological classification of fishes based on phylogenetic
relationship is known as — Cladistics
The ectoparasite Lernaea sp. is commonly called — Anchor
White spot syndrome virus has been more prevalent in which one of the following
species —- Tiger Shrimp
The full form of ERNET is — Education & Research
Which one of the following fish can be cultured both in brackish water &
fresh water
Catla b. Catfish c. Common carp d. Seabass
Ashtamudi lake is well known for its rich fishery resources of —- Clams
Which of the following practice is desirable in the culture of the IMC in grow
out ponds
Fertilization & Feeding
Liming & Feeding
Liming , fertilization & feeding
Liming & fertilization
ICAR- Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Examination Paper -2020
E. coli colonies grown in Eosine methylene blue agar appear as —– greenish metallic sheen
Hardness is imparted to water mainly due to the presence of —— Divalent cations
The mineral which is required for the metabolism of Vitamin A —– Zinc
Which among the following is NOT a tributary of the Brahmaputra River system
a. Dihang
93. Which among the
following fishery management practice is NOT in vogue in India
a. Mesh size regulation
b. Closed area c. Closed season d. Quota system
94. A market which has
only one buyer is known as ———- Monopsony market
95. After eutrophication a lake becomes —- Dystrophic
96. Which one of the
following has been successfully cultured in cages in coastal waters of India in
recent years
a. Salmon b. Seabream
c. Cobia d. Pearlspot
97. Two halves of
typical bivalve shell are held dorsally by ——- Hinge
98. Tiger shrimp
normally attains maturity in — 10 – 12 months
99. The process of
using microorganism to reduce pollution through the biological degradation of
pollutants into the non – toxic substance is called as —— Bioremediation
100. The saxitoxin is
associated with —- PSP
Fisheries and Aquaculture objective questions
101. Gonadal maturation
of tiger shrimp can be enhanced by removal of —- Eye
102. Which of the
following is an androgen
a. Estrdiol b. 17 alpha methyl testosterone c. Dopamine d. HCG
103. A copulatory organ
present in elasmobranchs —– Myxopterygium
104. The portion of the
net mouth in between the two wings is called —– The
105. The radiaton dose
used under radappertisation process to prolong the shelf life of the product is
—- 30 – 40 kGy
106. Arrange the
following in sequence of blood entering & leaving the fish heart
a. Bulbus arteriosus b.
Sinus venosus c. Ventricle d. Atrium
Correct answer = b – d – c – a
107. BOD is a measure
of —- Organic pollution
108. The toxic
ingredient present in the Mahua oil cake is —- Saponin
109. The square mesh
cod end is suggested in trawl net fishing gear for —— The escape of juveline fish
110. In polyculture of
carps the maximum production per unit area was achieved by research
institutions with the following species combination ——–
Catla:Rohu:Mrigal:Common carp:Silver
carp:Grass carp
111. Match list
A. PSP a. Procentrum
B. DSP b. Alexandrium
C. NSP c. Nitschia
D. ASP d. Gymnodinium
Correct answer
= A – 2 , B – 1 , C – 4 , D – 3
112. Which of the
following is aimed at equipping the rural youth who are below the poverty line
with necessary skills , technology & training to take up self employment
113. Given below are
two statements
Statement 1 : Foods of
low water activity stored in high RH environment leads to transfer of water
from the environment to the food thereby increasing in water activity of food .
Statement 2 : Foods
with high water activity when stored in low RH environment loose moisture &
become unfit for consumption due to loss of quality
Correct answer is — Both statement 1 & 2 are true
114. In fish population
dynamics t-zero one of the growth paramters of VBGF is defined as —– Initial condition factor
115. The spread of new
idea into social system is called
a. Innovation b. Diffusion c. Modification d. Communication
116. The chief
saturated fatty acid present in fish oil is —–-Palmitic
117. Blowhole present in aquatic mammals helps in—–Echolocation
118. The Dun spoilage
in salted & dried fish is caused by by
growth & survival of which one of the following
a. Halophiles b. Molds c. Yeasts d. Protozoans
Fisheries and Aquaculture objective questions
119. Identify the best
combination of feed ingredients for the
production of coast – effective diets for farming of IMC in semi – intestine
pond based aquaculture
a. Fish meal , ground
nut cake , tapioca flour a. Fish meal , ground nut cake , tapioca flour a. Fish
meal , ground nut cake , tapioca flour
b. Soybean cake , Tapioca flour , rice bran , vitamin and mineral
mix , sardine oil
c. Fish meal , soybean
cake , ground nut cake , rice c. Fish meal , soybean cake , ground nut
d. Ground nut cake ,
soybean oil , fish meal , wheat bran and vitamin and mineral mix
120. Which of the
following is a group contact method
a. Newspaper b.
Interview c. Farm visit d. Field trip
ICAR- Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Examination Paper
Fisheries and Aquaculture questions, ICAR-Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Examination Paper -2020
Fisheries and Aquaculture objective questions With answers