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Health Benefits of Eating Fish and Consumption in India .

      Health Benefits of Eating Fish and Consumption in India  



is among the healthiest foods in this universe. Among the animals, fish is
having a high nutritional value for human health.  Fish contains low-fat and high-quality
proteins. Fish is occupied with omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, and vitamins such
as D (calciferol) and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is an amusing source of calcium and
phosphorus and a countless source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine,
magnesium, and potassium. According to the American Heart Association (AHA),
taking fish at least two times each week as an element of an eating plan is
certainly healthy. Fish is filled up with protein, vitamins, and nutritional
elements that can lower bloodstream help and force lower the risk of a heart
attack or swing. Major benefits of eating fishes are:-


                                         Health Benefits of  Eating Fish

1. High in protein and vital nutrients like Vitamins  D (calciferol), iodine, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, potassium, etc.
Fishes which are a good source of protein and minerals are


Ø  Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

Ø  Yellowtail (Seriola lalandi)

Ø  Anchovy(Engraulis encrasicolus)

Ø  Salmon

Ø  Trout

Eating fishes will help in reducing the risk in heart
are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids  
In fishes, two omega-3 fatty acids found i.e are
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Omega-3 fatty acids
are a kind of unsaturated fatty acid that will cut inflammation throughout the
human body. Inflammation in the body can harm your blood vessels and prime to
heart disease and strokes.

          Omega-3 fatty acids benefit heart health

        • Diminishing triglycerides in our body

         • Dropping blood pressure slightly

       • Lowering risk of sudden cardiac death triggered
by an abnormal heart rhythm.

        • Abridged risk of blood clots because
omega-3 fatty acids help prevent blood platelets from clumping together

the lining associated with the arteries smooth and without any damage that may
cause dense, hard arteries. This can help hold plaque from developing in the

Fishes which are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids:
Below are the list of fish that are abundant
source of omega-3 fatty acid which is normally consumed  across the globe






E   3. Eating fishes will boost your brain: As we know
functions of the brain decrease with respect to age. Individuals who eat fish frequently
also have more gray matter in the brain that controls memory and emotion.

It can help in preventing and treat symptoms of depression: As
we already mention fishes are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These omega-3 fatty acids will combat
depression and other mental conditions, such as bipolar disorder.

Eating fishes will improve vision and eye health: Age-related
macular degeneration (AMD) is a primary source of vision impairment and blindness that commonly affects adults.
Some of the research work has revealed that omega-3 fatty acids may protect
against this disease

Eat Fish and sleep better: As
we know a fish good source of vit-D, it will help you to sleep better.

    High time
for mass awareness campaigns to eat fish across globe
: Fisheries
scientists, health professionals and the media have dedicated considerable
attention to the benefits of consuming fish, but still, the consumption rate of
eating fish is very less in most part of the world. Mass cognizance campaigns to
popularize these fishes as a rich source of proteins , vitamins, EPA and DHA
are compulsory for harnessing the vital therapeutic and medical value of these
fishes in community nutrition. Fishes can also be recommended under specific
clinical conditions originating due to deficiency of vitamins, proteins, DHA
and EPA thus accumulative their utility in clinical nutrition.

State-wise Consumption in India: 



Health Benefits of  eating Fish,  Fish-eating benefits, Eat fish every day, Best fish to eat for health, Best fish to eat in India, Top Fish eat in India, Fish consumption India. 

                 Health Benefits of Eating Fish and Consumption in India


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