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Breeding and Culture of Zebrafish


Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

A Pathan and Alok Kumar Shetty

Genetics and Biotechnology Division, ICAR-CIFE-Mumbai


The zebrafish
has emerged over the past several decades to become an excellent mainstream
animal model (Lawerence, 2011). Earlier it was used as an aquarium fish and
sometimes studied in the laboratory (Laale, 1977), but now it is an omnipresent
complement or alternative to the laboratory mouse. The growth in the usage of
zebrafish in basic biomedical research has been driven by an ever-increasing array of advances in technology and molecular tools (Lawerence, 2011). The
application of the zebrafish ranges from developmental genetics to the modeling
of human disease, drug discovery, toxicology, and other diverse fields. Hence,
due to large-scale use and economic investment in infrastructure, it is very apparent
to have scientifically based standards for husbandry, management, and care of
the fish.

 1. Breeding of  Zebrafish.

 Zebrafish are normally kept under laboratory
conditions designed to replicate perpetual summer. Depending upon food
availability and temperature they can breed all year round (Spence et al., 2006) with females generally
producing eggs once every one to three days. Darkness allows the zebrafish to
rest and the return of light will trigger fish to breed (Vargesson, 2007). A
layer of marbles, closely spaced rods, or mesh can be used to cover part or the
whole of the bottom of the tank to prevent the fish-eating their eggs once laid
(Matthews et al 2002). Females
consistently spawn more frequently and produce larger clutches of eggs with
some males than others. A good clutch consists of between 70 and 300 eggs, of
which at least 80% are fertilized (Brand et al., 2002).


A generalized
description of the techniques and some of the equipment used in relation to the
spawning process can be found in Lawrence (20

Typically: A
small (typically <1L) plastic mating cage or box with a mesh or grill bottom
is placed inside a slightly larger container that is filled with water;
breeding pairs or small groups of fish are added to the box in the evening;
when the fish spawn (usually the following morning), the fertilized eggs fall
through the ‘floor’ of the inner box (which means the fish are prevented from
eating them). It is possible for both males and females to reach sexual
maturity within three months of hatching. Although establishments may begin
using fish for breeding from this age (Kurtzman, 2010), initial batches of eggs
from such young females may not be of optimal quality. The highest number of
embryos are reported to be obtained from fish between 6 and 18 months of age
(Vargesson, 2007). The mating behavior of zebrafish seems to be influenced by
the exposure of mating partners to one another during the 24 hours before
spawning begins (at sunrise) with males stimulated to perform courtship
behavior by the detection of female gonadal hormones in the water (Delaney

Source: Reed and Jennings, 2010

Raising of larvae

Fertilized eggs are kept in an incubator
(~28.5 °C) for 72 hr until the larvae are hatched The embryos are reared in
embryo medium; a.k.a. EM3 (NaCl, 13.7 mM; KCl, 0.54 mM; MgSO4, 1.0
mM; CaCl2, 1.3 mM; Na2HPO4, 0.025 mM; KH2PO4,
0.044 mM; NaHCO3, 4.2 mM) (Avdesh et al., 2012).

The different stages of the zebrafish
life cycle (Reed and Jennings, 2010) has been broadly established as follows
(Fleming, 2007):

0-72 hours
post-fertilization – Embryos

72 hours to 13 days
post-fertilization – Early larvae

14 days to 29 days
post-fertilization – Mid larvae

30 days to 3 or 4
months – Juveniles

When sexually mature –

of larvae should commence from 5 dpf (days post-fertilization). Young larvae
can be fed with dry food of ~100 microns in size (e.g., ZM100) or live
food such as paramecium and rotifers (which stimulates growth). The food size
can slowly be increased to 200 microns (e.g. ZM200) or 300/400 microns (e.g.
ZM300). A population of adult fish should be around 6-7 fish per liter of
water. This practice is recommended for better maintenance of BOD (Biological
Oxygen Demand) to the tanks (Avdesh et al.,
2012). The relationship between feeding frequencies and development in
zebrafish is given below:


between feeding frequencies and development in zebrafish

(Source: Lawerence, 2011)

3. System Maintenance



Zebrafish are
kept in a circulating system that continuously filters and aerates the system
water to maintain the water quality required for a healthy aquatic environment.
The circulating system also helps to filter excess food and fish excreta.
Different companies provide circulating zebrafish systems. A set of different
kinds of filters are used in the system 120-micron filter pad, 50-micron canister
filter, biological filter, active carbon absorption filter and UV disinfection
filter. The filters need to be changed regularly (Avdesh et al., 2012).

The other important features of
zebrafish rearing system that needs due care for wellbeing of zebrafish are
provided below

Sl no





A cycle of 14 hours
light, 10 hours dark has been advised, and would appear to be common practice
(Matthews et al., 2002, Brand et al., 2002).

Ideally, where
artificial lighting is used, a gradual brightening/dimming period of around
20-30 minutes in the morning/evening can be incorporated.

Light triggers
zebrafish to breed, so periods of darkness are important for allowing animals
to rest (Vargesson, 2007; Brand et al., 2002). Francis (2008) states
that one of the fastest ways to ensure fish will not lay eggs, is to leave
the lights on all the time


Noise and other

It has also been
suggested that spawning in these fish may be affected if it is very noisy or
if there is a lot of nearby movement or activity (Vargesson, 2007).


Water Depth

Zebrafish are often
described as surface-living fish, yet field studies show that they occupy the
whole of the water column, with no significant difference in their
distribution according to depth (Spence et al., 2006).

It has been
recommended that as long as tanks have a ‘relatively
large surface area’ water depth does not have
to exceed 25cm (Brand et al., 2002). Elsewhere it has been suggested
that for spawning, just 10cm water depth in a 50-litre tank should be
provided for three adult males and two females (Andrews, 1999).


Volume and population

20 eggs/embryos per
100ml water. 20 young larvae per 400ml up to juvenile stage. Growing juvenile
fish and holding adults – 5 fish per litre. For breeding, a pair can be kept
overnight in 1.5 litres, or 6 fish in 2.3 litres of water (Matthews et al.,

5 fish per litre in
systems possessing filters and a biofilter, as long as there is good water
exchange, good feeding regime and good water quality. For breeding purposes
it is best to have less fish per tank (2-3 fish per litre). In a tank that
does not have filters or a biofilter, the maximum number should be 1 or 2
fish per litre (Vargesson, 2007).

In large-scale
re-circulating systems, families of sibling adult fish are kept in serial
tanks at densities of five adult fish per litre (60 fish/12 litres) (Brand et

25 fish in 45 litres
(~10 gallons) (Westerfield, 2000)



A widely
used standard temperature for developmental studies is 28.5°C (Matthews et

An ideal
temperature for both breeding and development of the embryos is 28.5°C (Bilotta
et al., 1999)



Standing water tanks

Tanks maintained by
manual water changes can be equipped with filtration units that will
continually remove undesirable material from the water (Matthews et al.,
2002). If a third of the water is replaced each day by siphoning up debris
from the bottom of the tank, a separate tank filtering system should not be
necessary. If a filter is used, around half the water will need to be changed
at least once a week (Westerfield, 2000).

Cleaning strategies
should be designed to minimise disturbance and distress to the fish.
Disinfectants should be used with extreme caution.


Tank material

Tanks used to hold
zebrafish are usually made of polycarbonate, high-quality glass or acrylic
(Matthews et al., 2002).


Colour and

Glass and other
transparent-walled containers have the advantage of allowing easy observation
and monitoring of the fish, but a disadvantage in that movements of staff and
equipment outside the tank can disturb them. On the other hand, opaque, or
very dark colours can lead to hygiene problems since contamination may not be
obvious (The Berlin Workshop 1994). A container colouration of medium blue is
probably best. Consideration should be given to placing tanks on a dark
surface which will prevent light emanating from below, as it is suggested
that fish prefer this to light coloured surfaces (Brand et al., 2002).


Food type and feeding

Zebrafish larvae
chase and catch their prey (e.g. Paramecium) in a process that appears to be
predominantly visually guided (McElligott & O’Malley, 2005).

Dry food alone is not
sufficient to keep fish in good breeding conditions. Therefore it is
necessary to supplement it with live or frozen food. The most commonly used
additional live food is Artemia nauplii. Alternatively, or in addition to
Artemia, Drosophila larvae or different types of frozen food that are
available from aquaculture supply stores can be used. Live or frozen food
(e.g. tubifex, Daphnia and Chironomus larvae) that has been harvested from
freshwater systems that also harbour fish, should be avoided, as it may be a
source of pathogens. On the other hand, salt-water-dwelling articulates are
safe (e.g. frozen adult Artemia and krill).

A typical feeding
regimen is to feed adult fish tanks twice a day (once at weekends). Adult
fish that have to be kept for longer periods of time without breeding require
very little feeding (e.g. twice a week, preferably with live food). Two weeks
of rich feeding will bring them back into breeding condition again (Brand et

Newly hatched
zebrafish can eat Paramecium (800μm x 80μm), as well as a variety of prepared
foods, infusoria and rotifers (Matthews et al., 2002).

Once fish reach one
month of age: flake food supplemented with live food such as Artemia. Adult
fish being prepared for breeding: live food (Howells and Betts, 2009).


Egg harvesting

There are a number of
techniques associated with the procurement of eggs. The main ones are:

Natural mating

Manual expression (‘squeezing’)
of eggs from females for in vitro fertilization

A good clutch
consists of between 70 and 300 eggs, of which at least 80% are fertilised
(Brand et al., 2002).

On the basis of
current knowledge, a minimum interval of a week should usually be allowed
between episodes of breeding in females.

Source: Reed and Jennings, 2010

            To decontaminate the fish net, spray
with 70% ethanol, rinse in water, and let it dry before re-using. It should be
noted that UV filter disinfection dose rate is ~110 mJ/cm2 at the
beginning of the lamp life and the dose rate decreases over the course of time,
hence it is necessary to replace the globe even when it appears to still be
functional (Avdesh et al., 2012)


Water Quality Parameters

                        The optimal water quality parameters
for raising zebrafish are provided below:







50-150 mg/L CaCO3



6.8-7.5 (6.0-8.5 tolerated)



26-28.5 °C



50-100 mg/L CaCO3


Unionized ammonia

<0.02 mg/L



50 mg/L



<0.1 mg/L


Dissolved Oxygen

>6.0 mg/L



0.5-1 g/L



300 -1,500 μS

Source: Avdesh et al., 2012


Zebrafish Health

            A good understanding of zebrafish
biology and behaviour, including diseases, clinical signs and treatments, is
necessary to minimise suffering or death. Zebrafish should be regularly
monitored for signs of ill health. Some of the important resources for
information on diseases in zebrafish are (Reed and Jennings, 2010):

Zebrafish International
Resource Center – Disease Manual


Laboratory Animal
Medicine (2002) (Second edition)

College of Laboratory Animal Medicine Series

The Laboratory Fish
(2000) – Gary K. Ostrander (editor)

Press, San Diego

            The maximal recorded life-span of
zebrafish in the laboratory is 5½ years, though an average of 3½ years has been
reported (Gerhard et al., 2002). In laboratories, these animals are
routinely only kept for 18 months to two years, after which they are considered
to be of lower reproductive value. In the wild, there is little evidence that
individuals survive more than a year or two. This may be due to predation or
parasites (Spence, 2007).

            While the growth of the use of
zebrafish in basic biomedical research has been characterized by innovation,
the methods and tools for fish husbandry, management, and care have been slow
to evolve beyond those conceived during the initial establishment of the model
system. While these approaches and technologies have certainly served the
purposes of the field, they must now be improved to better match the widening
scope and scale of research being done in fish. Such advances are made possible
by applying new scientific information to the development of more sophisticated
approaches for fish husbandry and management, and by considering the lessons
learned during the establishment of the rodent model system (Lawerence, 2011).

The following
resources will be of use to those using and caring for zebrafish:

Zebrafish Husbandry
Association (ZHA)


British Association for
Zebrafish Husbandry (BAZH)


Zebrafish Information
Network – the zebrafish model organism database (ZFIN)


Zebrafish International
Resource Center (ZIRC)


The following book will also be of

The Laboratory
Zebrafish (2010)

     Claudia Harper & Christian
Lawrence; CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA.

the Author



Dr. Mujahidkhan. A.
is a geneticist
and fish breeder. He belongs to Agricultural Research Service and is working as
scientist at ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. He has
seven years of experience in fish genetics and biotechnology. His research
areas include developing zebrafish inbred models, zebrafish model to evaluate
carbon nanotube toxicity, genetic evaluation of common carp in inland saline
environment, recombinant protein production etc. He teaches quantitative genetics,
fish breeding, research methodology, genetics in commercial aquaculture at the


Mr Alok Kumar Shetty is pursuing his doctoral studies at
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. His research is on the synthesis, characterization of carbon nanotubes and evaluation of developmental
toxicity of CNTs in zebrafish model.


                        The information
presented in this article is collated from various sources and is not the
original work of the authors.

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    Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals – 7th Edition,
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  2. Avdesh, A., Chen, M., Martin-Iverson,
    M.T., Mondal, A., Ong, D., Rainey-Smith, S., Taddei, K., Lardelli, M.,
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  3. Bilotta, J., 2000. Effects of
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    , 203(2): 240-241.
  6. Fleming, A., 2007. Zebrafish as an
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  7. Francis, M., 2008. Aquatics labs:
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    42(3): 25-27.
  8. Gerhard, G.S., Kauffman, E.J.,
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  9. Howells, L. and Betts, T., 2009. A
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    , 8(3): 117-163.
  10. Kurtzman, M.S., Craig, M.P.,
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  11. Laale, H.W., 1977. The biology and
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  12. Lawrence, C., 2007. The husbandry
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  13. Matthews, M., Trevarrow, B. and
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    31: 34-40.
  14. McElligott, M.B. and O’Malley,
    D.M., 2005. Prey tracking by larval zebrafish: axial kinematics and visual
    control. Brain, behavior and evolution, 66(3), pp.177-196.
  15. Reed, B. and Jennings, M., 2010. Guidance
    on the housing and care of Zebrafish Danio rerio. Research Animals
    Department. Science Group, RSPCA.
  16. Spence, R. (2007) Oral presentation ‘The natural
    ecology and behaviour of zebrafish’ at LASA Alternatives Section Meeting
    on Environmental Enrichment for Fish: 8 March 2007, Loughborough, UK.
  17. Spence, R. and Smith, C., 2005. Male
    territoriality mediates density and sex ratio effects on oviposition in
    the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Animal Behaviour, 69(6):
  18. Vargesson, N.A., 2007. Zebrafish
    in Manual of Animal Technology.
  19. Westerfield, M. 
    (2000). ‘The zebrafish book. A guide for the laboratory use of
    zebrafish (Danio rerio)’ – 4th edition, University of Oregon Press,


Please cite
the article as follows:

Mujahidkhan., Shetty, Alok, Kumar. 2019. Zebrafish Husbandry. SDP on Zebrafish
as a Vertebrate Model for Biological studies (13-23 Aug 2019). ICAR-CIFE, Training manual. Pp 14-23

            Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Husbandry

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