1. Mullet is an example for which type of fish?
A) Freshwater fish
B) Marine fish
C) Brackishwater fish
D) Deep-sea fish
Answer: C) Brackishwater fish
2. Which of the following countries is the first largest fish producer in the world?
A) India
B) China
D) Japan
Answer: B) China
3. National Fisheries Development Board is located in:
A) New Delhi
B) Hyderabad
C) Chennai
D) Kolkata
Answer: B) Hyderabad
4. What is the term used for breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds?
A) Aquaponics
B) Pisciculture
C) Mariculture
D) Hydroponics
Answer: B) Pisciculture
5. “Blue Revolution” is related with:
A) Agriculture
B) Fish production
C) Dairy farming
D) Poultry farming
Answer: B) Fish production
6. The State fish of Madhya Pradesh is ‘Mahseer’ which belongs to the Genus:
A) Labeo
B) Tor
C) Cyprinus
D) Catla
Answer: B) Tor
7. On which rank does India stand in fish production?
A) 1st
B) 2nd
C) 3rd
D) 4th
Answer: B) 2nd
8. ICAR – Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture is situated at:
A) Bhubaneswar, Odisha
B) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
C) Kochi, Kerala
D) Guwahati, Assam
Answer: A) Bhubaneswar, Odisha
9. Migratory fish that live in salt water but breed in fresh water are called:
A) Anadromous fish
B) Catadromous fish
C) Pelagic fish
D) Demersal fish
Answer: A) Anadromous fish
10. A young fish about a finger long usually 10-15 cm in length is known as:
A) Fry
B) Fingerling
C) Juvenile
D) Adult
Answer: B) Fingerling
11. Which of the following is NOT an example of a brackishwater fish?
A) Rohu
B) Hilsa
C) Mullet
D) Milkfish
Answer: A) Rohu
12. The scientific name of Rohu is:
A) Catla catla
B) Labeo rohita
C) Cirrhinus mrigala
D) Cyprinus carpio
Answer: B) Labeo rohita
13. Catla belongs to the family:
A) Cyprinidae
B) Cichlidae
C) Salmonidae
D) Clariidae
Answer: A) Cyprinidae
14. Which of the following is NOT an Indian Major Carp?
A) Rohu
B) Catla
C) Common carp
D) Mrigal
Answer: C) Common carp
15. The scientific name of Tiger prawn is:
A) Penaeus monodon
B) Macrobrachium rosenbergii
C) Litopenaeus vannamei
D) Fenneropenaeus indicus
Answer: A) Penaeus monodon
16. Mackerel belongs to the genus:
A) Scomber
B) Rastrelliger
C) Thunnus
D) Sardinella
Answer: B) Rastrelliger
17. Pomfret belongs to the genus:
A) Pampus
B) Trachinotus
C) Lutjanus
D) Epinephelus
Answer: A) Pampus
18. Marine catfish belongs to the family:
A) Ariidae
B) Plotosidae
C) Tachysuridae
D) Clariidae
Answer: C) Tachysuridae
19. Sea eel belongs to the genus:
A) Anguilla
B) Muraena
C) Conger
D) Gymnothorax
Answer: B) Muraena
20. Which of the following is an exotic game fish?
A) Rohu
B) Catla
C) Brown trout
D) Mrigal
Answer: C) Brown trout
21. Migratory fish that live in freshwater but breed in saltwater are known as:
A) Anadromous fish
B) Catadromous fish
C) Pelagic fish
D) Demersal fish
Answer: B) Catadromous fish
22. Which of the following is a perennial spawner?
A) Rohu
B) Catla
C) Tilapia
D) Common carp
Answer: C) Tilapia
23. The eggs of Indian Major Carps are:
A) Pelagic
B) Demersal
C) Semi-pelagic
D) Adhesive
Answer: C) Semi-pelagic
24. What is the incubation period for eggs of Indian Major Carps?
A) 12-18 hours
B) 21-31 hours
C) 36-48 hours
D) 4-5 days
Answer: B) 21-31 hours
25. Which hormone is commonly used for induced breeding of carps?
A) Ovaprim
B) Ovatide
C) Ovapel
D) Ovafol
Answer: A) Ovaprim
26. The fecundity of Catla ranges between:
A) 50,000-1 lakh eggs/kg body weight
B) 1-2 lakh eggs/kg body weight
C) 2-3 lakh eggs/kg body weight
D) 3-4 lakh eggs/kg body weight
Answer: B) 1-2 lakh eggs/kg body weight
27. Which fish has the highest relative fecundity among the following?
A) Rohu
B) Catla
C) Common carp
D) Mrigal
Answer: C) Common carp
28. The pre-mating embracement of mud crab lasts for:
A) 5-7 days
B) 8-10 days
C) 12-14 days
D) 15-17 days
Answer: C) 12-14 days
29. Which of the following fish is a mouth brooder?
A) Rohu
B) Catla
C) Tilapia
D) Common carp
Answer: C) Tilapia
30. During which season do Indian Major Carps breed naturally?
A) Spring
B) Summer
C) Monsoon
D) Winter
Answer: C) Monsoon
31. Which soil type is most suitable for fish ponds?
A) Sandy soil
B) Clayey soil
C) Loamy soil
D) Gravelly soil
Answer: B) Clayey soil
32. What is the optimal pH range for carp culture?
A) 6.5-7.5
B) 7.5-8.5
C) 8.5-9.5
D) 9.5-10.5
Answer: B) 7.5-8.5
33. What is the optimal dissolved oxygen level for carp culture?
A) 2-4 mg/L
B) 5-8 mg/L
C) 9-12 mg/L
D) 13-15 mg/L
Answer: B) 5-8 mg/L
34. Which of the following culture systems would give the highest yield per unit area?
A) Extensive pond-based system
B) Semi-intensive pond-based system
C) Intensive tank-based system
D) Cage culture system
Answer: C) Intensive tank-based system
35. What is the recommended stocking density for composite fish culture?
A) 5,000-6,000 fingerlings/ha
B) 6,000-7,000 fingerlings/ha
C) 8,000-10,000 fingerlings/ha
D) 11,000-12,000 fingerlings/ha
Answer: C) 8,000-10,000 fingerlings/ha
36. Which of the following best describes an integrated fish farming system?
A) Combination of fish with livestock or agriculture
B) Combination of fish with aquatic plants
C) Combination of fish with marine species
D) Combination of fish with birds
Answer: A) Combination of fish with livestock or agriculture
37. Which of the following is used as a natural fish pond fertilizer?
A) Chemical fertilizers
B) Cow dung
C) Poultry manure
D) Fish meal
Answer: B) Cow dung
38. The most appropriate starter feed for carp spawn is:
A) Moina
B) Artemia
C) Daphnia
D) Tubifex
Answer: B) Artemia
39. The optimum protein requirement in the diet of Indian Major Carps is:
A) 20-25%
B) 25-30%
C) 30-35%
D) 35-40%
Answer: C) 30-35%
40. Which nutrient is least utilized by fish?
A) Protein
B) Lipid
C) Carbohydrate
D) Vitamins
Answer: C) Carbohydrate
41. What is the approximate area of brackishwater in India (in million hectares)?
A) 0.8
B) 1.2
C) 1.5
D) 2.0
Answer: B) 1.2
42. Which of the following best describes the concept of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)?
A) The maximum yield that can be taken from a stock without affecting reproduction
B) The yield that maximizes economic profit
C) The yield that ensures the survival of the species
D) The yield that is sustainable for a short period
Answer: A) The maximum yield that can be taken from a stock without affecting reproduction
43. Which of the following fishing methods is most commonly associated with turtle bycatch?
A) Gill nets
B) Trawl nets
C) Long lines
D) Purse seines
Answer: B) Trawl nets
44. In which year did the Kyoto Protocol come into action?
A) 2000
B) 2005
C) 2010
D) 2015
Answer: B) 2005
45. Which of the following rivers belongs to the Indus river system?
A) Ganga
B) Yamuna
C) Beas
D) Brahmaputra
Answer: C) Beas
46. Commercial landings of oil sardine predominantly belong to which year class?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
Answer: B) Two
47. Which of the following is the most common crustacean parasite of fish?
A) Lernaea
B) Argulus
C) Caligus
D) Ergasilus
Answer: B) Argulus
48. What was India’s fish production in 2019-20 (approximate million tonnes)?
A) 10.59
B) 11.59
C) 12.59
D) 13.59
Answer: C) 12.59
49. What percentage of global fish production does India account for?
A) 4.3%
B) 5.3%
C) 6.3%
D) 7.3%
Answer: C) 6.3%
50. The headquarters of NACA (Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific) is located at:
A) New Delhi
B) Bangkok
C) Manila
D) Jakarta
Answer: B) Bangkok
51. Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) in fish is caused by:
A) Aphanomyces invadans
B) Saprolegnia parasitica
C) Ichthyophonus hoferi
D) Aeromonas hydrophila
Answer: A) Aphanomyces invadans
52. Which of the following is a bacterial disease of fish?
A) Columnaris disease
B) White Spot Disease
C) Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome
D) Lymphocystis disease
Answer: A) Columnaris disease
53. White Spot Disease in fish is caused by:
A) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
B) Cryptocaryon irritans
C) Amyloodinium ocellatum
D) Trichodina spp.
Answer: A) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
54. Which of the following antibiotics is approved for use in aquaculture in India?
A) Oxytetracycline
B) Chloramphenicol
C) Furazolidone
D) Nitrofurazone
Answer: A) Oxytetracycline
55. Branchiomycosis affects which organ in fish?
A) Liver
B) Kidney
C) Gills
D) Intestine
Answer: C) Gills
56. Which of the following chemicals is commonly used as a prophylactic treatment in fish hatcheries?
A) Formalin
B) Potassium permanganate
C) Copper sulfate
D) Hydrogen peroxide
Answer: B) Potassium permanganate
57. “Dropsy” in fish is characterized by:
A) Abdominal swelling
B) Fin rot
C) Tail rot
D) Gill rot
Answer: A) Abdominal swelling
58. “Fin rot” in fish is primarily caused by:
A) Viral infection
B) Fungal infection
C) Bacterial infection
D) Parasitic infection
Answer: C) Bacterial infection
59. “Gas bubble disease” in fish is caused by:
A) Low dissolved oxygen
B) High ammonia levels
C) Supersaturation of gases in water
D) High nitrite levels
Answer: C) Supersaturation of gases in water
60. Which vitamin deficiency causes broken back syndrome in fish?
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin C
C) Vitamin D
D) Vitamin E
Answer: B) Vitamin C
61. Which fiber is commonly used in the fabrication of fishing nets?
A) Cotton
B) Nylon
C) Polyester
D) Rayon
Answer: B) Nylon
62. What is the popular method of tuna fishery in Lakshadweep?
A) Gill netting
B) Trawling
C) Pole and line
D) Purse seining
Answer: C) Pole and line
63. Which of the following boat building materials has become increasingly popular due to its durability and lower maintenance?
A) Wood
B) Steel
C) FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic)
D) Aluminum
Answer: C) FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic)
64. Which of the following fishing gears is generally considered most selective?
A) Gill nets
B) Trawl nets
C) Long line
D) Purse seines
Answer: C) Long line
65. What is the main disadvantage of wooden fishing vessels?
A) High cost
B) Susceptibility to marine borers and rot
C) Heavy weight
D) Low durability
Answer: B) Susceptibility to marine borers and rot
66. Which method is most commonly used for preserving netting materials used in marine environments?
A) Heat treatment
B) Chemical treatment
C) UV treatment
D) Freeze treatment
Answer: B) Chemical treatment
67. Otter board in trawl net is used for:
A) Vertical opening
B) Horizontal opening
C) Closing the net
D) Reducing drag
Answer: B) Horizontal opening
68. What is the mesh size regulation for sardine fishery?
A) 10-14 mm
B) 15-19 mm
C) 20-24 mm
D) 25-29 mm
Answer: C) 20-24 mm
69. Which of the following is NOT a type of gill net?
A) Drift gill net
B) Set gill net
C) Purse seine
D) Entanglement net
Answer: C) Purse seine
70. The main purpose of a TED (Turtle Excluder Device) is:
A) To reduce bycatch of non-target species
B) To allow turtles to escape from trawl nets
C) To improve the quality of the catch
D) To increase the efficiency of the trawl net
Answer: B) To allow turtles to escape from trawl nets
71. Which of the following is NOT a common method of fish preservation?
A) Freezing
B) Canning
C) Acidification
D) Salting
Answer: C) Acidification
72. Which of the following is an example of a value-added fishery product?
A) Fresh fish
B) Frozen fish
C) Fish protein concentrate
D) Dried fish
Answer: C) Fish protein concentrate
73. Which compound is primarily responsible for the “fishy” odor that develops during spoilage?
A) Ammonia
B) Trimethylamine
C) Hydrogen sulfide
D) Methane
Answer: B) Trimethylamine
74. Which modern packaging technology has shown significant benefits for extending the shelf life of fresh fish products?
A) Vacuum packaging
B) Modified atmosphere packaging
C) Shrink wrapping
D) Canning
Answer: B) Modified atmosphere packaging
75. Which pathogen is of particular concern in raw shellfish products?
A) Salmonella
B) E. coli
C) Vibrio parahaemolyticus
D) Listeria monocytogenes
Answer: C) Vibrio parahaemolyticus
76. Fish canning primarily uses which preservation principle?
A) Freezing
B) Heat sterilization
C) Salting
D) Fermentation
Answer: B) Heat sterilization
77. The shelf life of properly frozen fish at -18°C is approximately:
A) 3 months
B) 6 months
C) 9 months
D) 12 months
Answer: B) 6 months
78. Which quality index is used for assessing freshness in fish?
A) pH value
B) K-value
C) Brix value
D) Acidity value
Answer: B) K-value
79. Which chemical is commonly used for ice preservation in fish hold?
A) Sodium chloride
B) Sodium metabisulphite
C) Potassium sorbate
D) Calcium chloride
Answer: B) Sodium metabisulphite
80. What is the primary ingredient in fish sauce?
A) Fermented fish
B) Dried fish
C) Smoked fish
D) Salted fish
Answer: A) Fermented fish
81. Which of the following is an essential amino acid for fish?
A) Alanine
B) Glycine
C) Lysine
D) Proline
Answer: C) Lysine
82. Which of the following is NOT a commonly used binder in fish feed?
A) Gelatin
B) Starch
C) Glucose
D) Guar gum
Answer: C) Glucose
83. The optimal protein:energy ratio in fish feed is expressed in:
A) g protein/kJ
B) mg protein/kJ
C) g protein/MJ
D) mg protein/MJ
Answer: B) mg protein/kJ
84. Which vitamin is known as the “antisterility vitamin” in fish nutrition?
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin D
C) Vitamin E
D) Vitamin K
Answer: C) Vitamin E
85. Which of the following is considered a natural carotenoid source in fish feed?
A) Astaxanthin
B) Canthaxanthin
C) Spirulina
D) Lutein
Answer: C) Spirulina
86. Which essential fatty acid is most important for gonadal development and embryogenesis in fish?
A) Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
B) Arachidonic acid (ARA)
C) Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
D) Linoleic acid (LA)
Answer: C) Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
87. Which of the following feed ingredients has the highest protein content?
A) Soybean meal
B) Fish meal
C) Corn gluten meal
D) Wheat bran
Answer: B) Fish meal
88. The FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio) value of 1.5 means:
A) 1.5 kg feed produces 1 kg fish
B) 1 kg feed produces 1.5 kg fish
C) 1.5 kg fish produces 1 kg feed
D) 1 kg fish produces 1.5 kg feed
Answer: A) 1.5 kg feed produces 1 kg fish
89. Which of the following is an antinutritional factor present in soybean meal?
A) Phytic acid
B) Trypsin inhibitor
C) Tannins
D) Saponins
Answer: B) Trypsin inhibitor
90. What is the function of probiotics in aquaculture?
A) Improve water quality
B) Improve gut health and immune response
C) Increase feed conversion ratio
D) Reduce feed cost
Answer: B) Improve gut health and immune response
91. Which economic concept describes the situation where too many fishers have access to a limited fishery resource?
A) Tragedy of the commons
B) Market failure
C) Economic rent
D) Opportunity cost
Answer: A) Tragedy of the commons
92. Which international organization oversees agreements related to fish trade between countries?
Answer: B) WTO
93. Which of the following is a participatory approach to gathering information in fisheries extension?
A) Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA)
B) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
C) Farming System Research (FSR)
D) Action Research
Answer: B) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
94. Which of the following best describes the primary function of a fisheries cooperative?
A) Providing loans to fishers
B) Collective bargaining and marketing
C) Conducting research on fisheries
D) Implementing government policies
Answer: B) Collective bargaining and marketing
95. In which sector of fisheries do women traditionally have the highest participation globally?
A) Fishing
B) Aquaculture
C) Post-harvest processing
D) Fisheries management
Answer: C) Post-harvest processing
96. Which of the following is NOT an objective of fisheries extension?
A) Technology transfer
B) Capacity building
C) Price regulation
D) Awareness creation
Answer: C) Price regulation
97. Which of the following best describes the concept of “Blue Economy”?
A) Sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth while preserving marine ecosystems
B) Exploitation of marine resources for maximum profit
C) Conservation of marine resources without economic consideration
D) Privatization of marine resources for commercial use
Answer: A) Sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth while preserving marine ecosystems
98. What percentage of Indian fishers live below the poverty line?
A) Approximately 50%
B) Approximately 66%
C) Approximately 75%
D) Approximately 85%
Answer: B) Approximately 66%
99. Which of the following schemes provides insurance coverage to fishers in India?
A) PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana)
B) PMMSY (Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana)
C) PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana)
D) PMJDY (Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana)
Answer: B) PMMSY (Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana)
100. The concept of “Maximum Economic Yield” (MEY) in fisheries occurs at:
A) A harvest level higher than MSY
B) A harvest level lower than MSY
C) The same harvest level as MSY
D) A harvest level unrelated to MSY
Answer: B) A harvest level lower than MSY
101. Which of the following successions are visible on sea-coasts?
A) Xerosere
B) Lithosere
C) Hydrosere
D) Psammosere
Answer: C) Hydrosere
102. Which of the following fish species has an accessory respiratory organ?
A) Labeo rohita
B) Catla catla
C) Clarias batrachus
D) Cyprinus carpio
Answer: C) Clarias batrachus
103. Which of the following aquatic ecosystems typically has the highest primary productivity?
A) Oceans
B) Lakes
C) Estuaries
D) Rivers
Answer: C) Estuaries
104. The Kyoto Protocol primarily addresses:
A) Ozone depletion
B) Greenhouse gas emissions
C) Marine pollution
D) Deforestation
Answer: B) Greenhouse gas emissions
105. Itai-Itai disease is caused by fish contaminated with:
A) Mercury
B) Lead
C) Cadmium
D) Arsenic
Answer: C) Cadmium
106. Which form of mercury is most toxic in fish?
A) Elemental mercury
B) Inorganic mercury
C) Methyl mercury
D) Ethyl mercury
Answer: C) Methyl mercury
107. The most important abiotic factor affecting fish distribution in oceans is:
A) Salinity
B) Temperature
C) Light
D) Pressure
Answer: B) Temperature
108. Which phenomenon is responsible for mass fish kills in coastal areas during summer?
A) Algal blooms
B) Oil spills
C) Heavy metal pollution
D) Plastic pollution
Answer: A) Algal blooms
109. What is the primary cause of coral bleaching?
A) Overfishing
B) Elevated sea temperature
C) Ocean acidification
D) Coastal development
Answer: B) Elevated sea temperature
110. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems?
A) Increased algal growth
B) Decreased dissolved oxygen
C) Increased water transparency
D) Fish kills
Answer: C) Increased water transparency
111. Which statistical concept is most relevant for estimating fish population size using mark-recapture methods?
A) Chi-square test
B) Lincoln-Petersen index
D) t-test
Answer: B) Lincoln-Petersen index
112. Which of the following is NOT a component of HACCP in seafood processing?
A) Hazard analysis
B) Critical control points
C) Profit analysis
D) Corrective actions
Answer: C) Profit analysis
113. Which technique is used for sex reversal in tilapia?
A) Hormone treatment
B) Genetic engineering
C) Selective breeding
D) Temperature manipulation
Answer: A) Hormone treatment
114. What is the role of cryopreservation in fisheries?
A) Long-term storage of fish gametes
B) Improving fish growth rates
C) Enhancing fish feed efficiency
D) Reducing fish disease outbreaks
Answer: A) Long-term storage of fish gametes
115. Which of the following technologies is used for real-time monitoring of fish movements?
A) Radio telemetry
B) Acoustic telemetry
C) Satellite telemetry
D) GPS telemetry
Answer: B) Acoustic telemetry
116. The concept of “Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management” primarily focuses on:
A) Managing fisheries as part of the broader ecosystem
B) Maximizing fish production
C) Reducing fishing effort
D) Implementing fishing quotas
Answer: A) Managing fisheries as part of the broader ecosystem
117. Which molecular technique is most commonly used for species identification in processed fish products?
B) DNA barcoding
Answer: B) DNA barcoding
118. Which of the following species is commonly used as a bioindicator for aquatic pollution?
A) Goldfish
B) Zebra fish
C) Guppy
D) Siamese fighting fish
Answer: B) Zebra fish
119. What is the primary purpose of Geographical Indication (GI) tag for fishery products?
A) To indicate organic certification
B) To ensure food safety
C) Protection of regional identity and traditional knowledge
D) To promote aquaculture practices
Answer: C) Protection of regional identity and traditional knowledge
120. Which of the following is the most significant emerging issue in global fisheries management?
A) Overfishing
B) Climate change impacts on fish distribution and abundance
C) Marine pollution
D) Invasive species
Answer: B) Climate change impacts on fish distribution and abundance