Trainings for fish farmers
Training Program on Fisheries, Aquaculture and Post-Harvest Technology(21-day winter school)
(MAY 2022)
Food and agriculture are key to achieving the entire set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’2030 Agenda and many SDGs are directly relevant to fisheries and aquaculture. Fisheries and Aquaculture has critical importance for the food, nutrition and employment of millions of people mostly in rural environment, many of whom struggle to maintain reasonable livelihoods. FAO’s Blue Growth Initiative is an integrated and multi-sectoral approach to the management of aquatic resources aimed at maximizing the ecosystem goods and services obtained from the use of oceans, inland waters and wetlands for providing social and economic benefits. It is an eco-friendly and labor-intensive agricultural activity. One of the major thrust area of agricultural research in tropical and sub-tropical countries is fisheries and aquaculture. Advancement aquaculture technologies and responsible fisheries are the key factors for enhancing fish production in the world and flourishing the aquaculture industry. It has multi-dimension opportunities like earning of foreign exchequer, generation of employment, recycling and reuse of wastes to produce wealth, and supply of easily digestible animal protein to human being.
1. To encourage and update the Fisheries officers, Scientists and extension specialists’ students and entrepreneurs about recent advances in fisheries technology.
2. To provide the latest information about fisheries science including inland fisheries.
3. To identify the scope, prospects, and constraints of fisheries as an enterprise both at small and large scale through interactive group discussions, brainstorming sessions and feedback from participants.
Participants & Eligibility: The training is open for scientists, teachers, research scholars, growers, PG students and marketing personnel.
Important Date:
Last date for receipt of application form: 29-4-2022
Venue: The 21 Days National Refresher Course (NRC 2022) on “Fisheries, Aquaculture and Post-Harvest Technology” will be organized through virtual lecture/class.
How to Apply:
Participants can submit an online registration form on the site:
Online portal for the registration form will be open very soon.
Credits: Dr. Mohd Ashraf Rather, Asst. Prof. SKUAST-K