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Fisheries Science Objective Questions or MCQ with Answers

Fisheries Science Objective Questions with Answers

Fisheries Science Objective Questions with Answers

Fisheries Science Objective Questions with Answer for NET/JRF/JOBS

Fisheries Science Image
  1. Name the animal group whose members are considered doubtful chordates:

    • a) Hernichordata

    Answer: Hernichordata

  2. Balanoglossus is having ———— feeding habit:

    • a) Ciliary feeder

    Answer: Ciliary feeder

  3. In cephalochordates respiration takes place:

    • a) Through general body surface

    Answer: Through general body surface

  4. Ductus Cuvieri is another name for:

    • a) Cardinal veins

    Answer: Cardinal veins

  5. In vertebrates, the pharyngeal gill slits are not more than:

    • a) 8 pairs

    Answer: 8 pairs

  6. Which period is known as the age of fishes:

    • a) Devonian

    Answer: Devonian

  7. Which phosphagen is utilized by vertebrates in cycles of muscle contraction:

    • a) Creatine

    Answer: Creatine

  8. The eggs of lampreys are:

    • a) Telolecithal

    Answer: Telolecithal

  9. Anticoagulant in Petromyzon is secreted by:

    • a) Salivary glands

    Answer: Salivary glands

  10. Crania! nerves in cyclostomes are:

    • a) 8-10 pairs

    Answer: 8-10 pairs

  11. Body in Scoliodon is covered by:

    • a) Placoid scales

    Answer: Placoid scales

  12. Sphincter valve is present:

    • a) At the junction of cardiac stomach and pyloric stomach

    Answer: At the junction of cardiac stomach and pyloric stomach

  13. Sinus venosus receives blood from:

    • a) Ductus Cuvieri and hepatic sinuses

    Answer: Ductus Cuvieri and hepatic sinuses

  14. Kidney in Chondrichthyes is:

    • a) Opisthonephric

    Answer: Opisthonephric

  15. The principal locomotory organ in Rohu is:

    • a) Tail

    Answer: Tail

  16. Family of Cowfish is:

    • a) Ostraciidae

    Answer: Ostraciidae

  17. The eggs of fishes are:

    • a) Mega lecithal, extra embryonic membranes absent

    Answer: Mega lecithal, extra embryonic membranes absent

  18. The caudal fins in Latimeria is:

    • a) 3 lobed

    Answer: 3 lobed

  19. The teeth in frog are meant for:

    • a) Preventing prey from slipping

    Answer: Preventing prey from slipping

  20. Erythrocytes in Amphibians are:

    • a) Oval and nucleated

    Answer: Oval and nucleated

  21. Neoteny refers to:

    • a) Retention of larval characteristics in adults

    Answer: Retention of larval characteristics in adults

  22. Paedogenesis refers to:

    • a) Precocious development of gonads

    Answer: Precocious development of gonads

  23. Uromastix is commonly known as:

    • a) Spiny-tailed lizard

    Answer: Spiny-tailed lizard

  24. Heart in crocodiles is:

    • a) Completely 4 chambered

    Answer: Completely 4 chambered

  25. Which layer of Lamellidens shell is called “Mother of Pearl”:

    • a) Nacreous

    Answer: Nacreous

  26. Microsystis is a ————- type of algae:

    • a) Blue-green algae

    Answer: Blue-green algae

  27. Fins for propulsion:

    • a) Caudal fin

    Answer: Caudal fin

  28. Labeo bata is:

    • a) Bottom feeder

    Answer: Bottom feeder

  29. A taxonomic group of any rank in the system of classification is known as:

    • a) Taxon

    Answer: Taxon

  30. Each pelvic fin is supported by how many fin rays:

    • a) 9

    Answer: 9

  31. World Wetlands Day is celebrated on:

    • a) 2 February

    Answer: 2 February

  32. Headquarters of International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources is located at:

    • a) Gland, Switzerland

    Answer: Gland, Switzerland

  33. Largest freshwater fish in the world and was declared extinct in December 2019:

    • a) Chinese paddlefish

    Answer: Chinese paddlefish

  34. Common Indian Sea urchin:

    • a) Salmacis bicolor

    Answer: Salmacis bicolor

  35. 5 elongated pectoral fin rays:

    • a) Polynemus indicus

    Answer: Polynemus indicus

  36. Mackerel present on Andaman:

    • a) Rastrelliger brachysoma

    Answer: Rastrelliger brachysoma

  37. Pole culture is mainly for:

    • a) Mussel

    Answer: Mussel

  38. Chemical used for controlling blue-green algae (algal bloom):

    • a) CuSO4 Sol @ 1 ppm or CuSO4 @ 800 gm/ha

    Answer: CuSO4 Sol @ 1 ppm or CuSO4 @ 800 gm/ha

  39. Artificial substrata for settlement of spat is called:

    • a) Cultch

    Answer: Cultch

  40. Agonist of Dopamine:

    • a) Bromocryptine, Apomorfine

    Answer: Bromocryptine, Apomorfine

  41. Function of Nidamental gland:

    • a) Acts as a site of sperm storage and egg shell formation

    Answer: Acts as a site of sperm storage and egg shell formation

  42. Tryptophan deficiency results in:

    • a) Scoliosis

    Answer: Scoliosis

  43. Sea Food Export Association of India (SEAI) is in:

    • a) Cochin

    Answer: Cochin

  44. Zooplankton which is almost absent in marine water:

    • a) Rotifer

    Answer: Rotifer

  45. National Maritime Day:

    • a) 5th April

    Answer: 5th April

  46. Young ones showing superior character during heterosis is known as:

    • a) Hybrid vigour

    Answer: Hybrid vigour

  47. Random mating of population is:

    • a) Panmictic mating

    Answer: Panmictic mating

  48. The animals which can replace their teeth once in their life span is:

    • a) Acrodont

    Answer: Acrodont

  49. The transmission of genes or character from parents to offspring without any change:

    • a) Linkage

    Answer: Linkage

  50. It is a cross where the offspring are in the ratio of 1:1 is called:

    • a) Test cross

    Answer: Test cross

Credits: Dr. Mohd Ashraf Rather, Assistant Professor, SKUAST-K

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