Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Objective Questions
MCQ on Aquatic Health and Management
Objective Questions in Fisheries Science
- 1. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Mission launched on
- A) May 2014
- B) June 2015
- C) July 2015
- D) Nov-2016
- 2. S.N of Humpback salmon is
- A) O. gorbuscha
- B) O. kisutch
- C) O. tshawytscha
- D) O. keta
- 3. Which body regulates the minimum support price in India?
- B) The Agriculture Ministry
- C) Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices
- D) Finance Commission
- 4. Type of fertilizer suitable for water-logged soil is
- A) Potassium Nitrate
- B) Ammonium Sulphate
- C) Calcium
- D) Zinc Phosphate
- 5. RAPD marker is
- A) Co-dominant
- B) Recessive marker
- C) Polymorphic marker
- D) Dominant
- 6. World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) will be celebrated on
- A) 24 Oct 2020
- B) 22 Aug 2020
- C) 4 Sep 2020
- D) 2 July 2020
- 7. Ampullae of Lorenzini is present in
- A) Sharks
- B) Rays
- C) Chimaeras
- D) All the above
- 8. Which gene is mostly used for molecular taxonomy in fish?
- A) 12S
- B) 16S
- C) COI
- D) mtDNA
- 9. Emphysymatous putrefactive disease is caused by
- A) Aeromonas enteropelogenes
- B) Aeromonas piscicola
- C) Vibrio parahaemolyticus
- D) Edwardsiella tarda
- 10. Feeding habit of whale shark is
- A) Carnivorous
- B) Omnivorous
- C) Filter feeders
- D) Herbivorous
- 11. Hairy frogfish scientific name is
- A) Antennarius striatus
- B) Echinophryne crassispina
- C) E. reynoldsi
- D) Rhycherus filamentosus
- 12. Therapeutic index of a drug is a measure of its
- A) Dose variability
- B) Safety
- C) Efficacy
- D) Potency
- 13. Which of the following is the secondary biological database?
- 14. Great Barrier Reef spread area is
- A) 144,000 square miles
- B) 152,000 square miles
- C) 133,000 square miles
- D) 164,000 square miles
- 15. pKa of a compound is defined as
- A) Time in which the whole compound is ionized
- B) pH of compound at which it is 50% ionized
- C) pH of the solution at which the compound is 50% ionized
- D) Time in which the compound is solubilized
- 16. Group of Dolphin is also known as
- A) Sod
- B) Cod
- C) Kod
- D) Pod
- 17. The decimal reduction time is known as
- A) D
- B) F
- C) Z
- D) F0
- 18. The best material that can be used for packaging of bulk dried fish is
- A) Plywood boxes
- B) Waxed corrugated containers
- C) Gunny bag
- D) HDPE woven bags
- 19. The cost that ascends when the amount produced is incremented by one unit is
- A) Variable cost
- B) Marginal cost
- C) Total cost
- D) Fixed cost
- 20. The formula of sedimentation coefficient (s) is
- A) a/t
- B) v/t
- C) s/t
- D) Vt/a
- 21. —– is used to improve hatchability of fish eggs.
- A) Thiamine hydrochloride
- B) Calcium chloride
- C) Magnesium sulfate
- D) Sodium sulfite
- 22. Full Form of NOAA is
- A) National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency
- B) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- C) Norway Ocean and Atmospheric Administration
- D) National Open and Atmospheric Administration
- 23. ———- is used to control mortality connected with furunculosis, bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia, enteric redmouth, flexibacteriosis, and vibriosis in salmonids.
- A) 35% hydrogen peroxide
- B) 50% florfenicol
- C) Oxytetracycline hydrochloride
- D) Oxytetracycline dihydrate
- 24. The condition where the air-bladder of fishes is connected through a functional pneumatic duct with the gut is called as
- A) Physostomous
- B) Physoclistous
- C) Physostatis
- D) Physoglotous
- 25. Labyrinthiform organs are present in
- A) Monopterus javanensis
- B) Mastacembelus sp.
- C) Trichogaster sp.
- D) Bleopthalamus sp.
- 26. Probiotics are commonly used in shrimp farming for
- A) Increasing oxygen level
- B) Water quality management
- C) Increasing production
- D) Control of disease
- 27. Agriculture Education Day is celebrated on
- A) 3 December
- B) 17 April
- C) 22 May
- D) 22 June
- 28. Cleaner shrimp is
- A) L. amboinensis
- B) Hippolysmata vittata
- C) Amboinensis de Man
- D) All the above
- 29. Yellow Head Virus genetic material is
- A) ssRNA
- B) dsRNA
- C) ssDNA
- D) dsDNA
- 30. Small areas of protein three-dimensional structure common among different proteins is
- A) Domain
- B) Motif
- C) Protein fold
- D) Supersecondary Structure
- 31. IASRI is located at
- A) Cochin
- B) Mumbai
- C) Kolkata
- D) New Delhi
- 32. Technique used for the intensification of multiple targets in a single PCR test run.
- A) Hot star PCR
- B) Nested PCR
- C) Multiplex PCR
- D) Long-Range PCR
- 33. ——- ratio of the sample standard deviation to the sample mean.
- A) Coefficient of determination
- B) Coefficient of regression
- C) Coefficient of Variation
- D) Coefficient of standard deviation
- 34. Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare is
- A) Shri Ramvilas Paswan
- B) Shri Arjun Munda
- C) Dr. Harsh Vardhan
- D) Narendra Singh Tomar
- 35. ——— simple approach software for analyzing trophic interactions in fisheries resources systems.
- A) Ecosystem Modelling software
- B) Trophic Modelling
- C) Ecopath software
- D) Ecosystem-Based software
- 36. National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on
- A) April 11
- B) April 24
- C) April 23
- D) April 13
- 37. Article 12 in the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) is related to
- A) Fisheries management
- B) Integration of fisheries into coastal area management
- C) Post-harvest practices and trade
- D) Fisheries research
- 38. ———– aquatic animal produces its own sunscreen to protect from sunlight.
- A) Sea anemone
- B) Giant kelp
- C) Coral
- D) Certium
- 39. ——— country is also known as “Land of thousand lakes”.
- A) Sweden
- B) Iceland
- C) Norway
- D) Finland
- 40. Family of Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) is
- A) Achiropsettidae
- B) Bathylutichthyidae
- C) Gadidae
- D) Halosauridae
Answer Key
- 1. B
- 2. A
- 3. B
- 4. B
- 5. D
- 6. A
- 7. D
- 8. C
- 9. D
- 10. C
- 11. A
- 12. B
- 13. D
- 14. C
- 15. B
- 16. D
- 17. A
- 18. D
- 19. B
- 20. D
- 21. D
- 22. B
- 23. D
- 24. A
- 25. C
- 26. B
- 27. A
- 28. A
- 29. A
- 30. B
- 31. D
- 32. C
- 33. C
- 34. D
- 35. C
- 36. B
- 37. D
- 38. C
- 39. D
- 40. C