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Objective OR MCQ Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries Competitive Exams-2024

Objective Questions
of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries Competitive Exams-2024


Objective Questions of  Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 


see below do as directed Objective Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/
other Fisheries Competitive Exams. If you like our Questions, articles related
to fisheries and general science, kindly mention below in the comment
section. Your recommendations are always welcome.

1. World Water
Day- 22 March
2. MEI stands for- Morpho Edaphic index
3. Water insect
Notonecta is known as: Back swimmer
4. GnRH is: decapeptide
5. Longest
total coastline among all of the countries of the world: Canada
6. In 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology was
given for: how cells sense and adjust
oxygen availability
7. Total number of fish vaccine
licenced till 2019: 24
8. Chelating
agent used in shrimp hatchery:

9. The exploitation of a fish stock at
right stage is called as:
Eumetric fishing
Ø  Objective
Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries Competitive
10. Antifouling
paint contains the chemical compound:

butyl toluene
11. Operational period
of nursery pond is : 15-20days
12 PRA stands for: Participatory Rural Appraisal
13. Antibiotic
Cytochalasin B is used to-Production of
14. Headquarter
of NCBI:
Maryland, United States
15. In
fisheries Extension TDS means:

down system
16. Therapeutic
index of a drug is a measure of its:
17. Pharmacokinetics is: absorption,
distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drug
18. BLAST (Basic local
alignment search tool) was developed by: Samuel Karlin and
            Stephen Altschul
Mid-brain of fish is related with : Optic lobe
20. Beverton
and Holt Yield per Recruit Model assumes that: Recruitment is constant
Ø  Objective
Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries Competitive
Inner core of the earth is rich with metal
: Iron and Nickel
22. Gross
National Product (GNP):
Whole value of goods and services made
in the country
23. If
Horizontal demand curve parallel to x-axis graph implies that elasticity of
demand is:
24. In an economy, mixed economy means: Public and private sectors
25. Simplest
Invertebrates group is :
26. GUI
full form : Graphical  User interface
27. Main
page of web site is known as: Homepage
28.  Excision and insertion
of a new gene is called:
Genetic engineering
29. Expression
of a transgene in the target tissue is identified by a: Reporter gene
30. Reagents
used for precipitation of DNA extraction:
Ethanol and isopropanol
Ø  Objective
Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries Competitive
31. Father
of DNA finger printing is: Alec Jeffrey
32 Blue
mackerel scientific name is :  Scomber australasicus
33. National
Remote Sensing Centre is located at : Hyderabad(Telangana)
34 Total
number of biosphere reserves in India: 18
35. Marine
National Park, Gulf of Kutch was declared Marine Sanctuary in year.1982
36. Study
of rivers of is called : Potamology
37. AquAdvantage
salmon GMO of Atlantic salmon developed by which company:
38. S.N.
of Pacific herring is : Clupea pallasii
39.  A scheme NAHEP (National Agricultural Higher Education
Project) was initiated in year:
40. United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was sign up on: 1982
Ø  Objective
Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries Competitive
41. Genetic material of Betanodaviruses is : ssRNA(+)
positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus
42. National
dolphin research centre (NDRC):
43. Enterogyrus
is parasite present in :
Digestive system of
44. Scientific
name of Blue tilapia:
Oreochromis aureus
45. Hybridoma
technology was developed by: Kohler and
46. Largest
vertebrate genome known is : Protopterus
aethiopicus (marbled lungfish)
(pictogram)  is equal: 978 megabases
48. Dielectric
constant of Water is : 80
49. IMO full form: International
Maritime Organization
50. Yellowfin
cutthroat trout scientific name is :
Oncorhynchus clarkii
Objective Questions of Fisheries Science for
JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries exam.

If you like our Questions, articles related to Fisheries or General Science, kindly mention below in the comment section. Your recommendations are always welcome.

Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries exam with answers.

Objective  OR MCQ Questions of Fisheries Science for JRF/SRF/NET/ARS/ other Fisheries Competitive Exams-2024


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