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Genome Wide identification of DMRT genes in nile tilapia


The family of transcription factor genes linked to Doublesex and Mab-3 (DMRT) is widely known for its contribution to the determination of sex and the differentiation between phyla. Here we report the identification of five DM domain genes (doublesex and mab-3) in Nile tilapia, including DMRT1, DMRTa2, DMRT2a, DMRT2b and DMRT3a. The complete sequence of the DMRT genes varies from 3526 (DMRTA2) to 1471 bp (DMRT1) encoding putative protein series of 469 to 372 amino acids. All DMRTs the proteins contained at least one conserved DM domain that bound to DNA and Subcellular and gene localization The ontology revealed that the DMRT1 protein is located to the maximum in the nuclear region and the analysis of the ontology of the genes showed the molecular function of 48.2%, the biological process of 43.6% and the cellular component of 25%. Chromosomal location and analysis of synteny have shown that DMRT genes are primarily group 12 linker. In total, our the results provide vital genomic information for future biochemistry studies,
Physiological and phylogenetic studies on DMRT genes in teleosts.

For further details please click on: Genome Wide identification of DMRT genes in nile tilapia

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