ICAR-Fisheries Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Practice Paper.
Objective questions for Fisheries and Aquaculture with answers
1. The first fishes from
upper Cambrian (490 million years BC) period are known as_________.
a. Placoderms
b. Ostracoderms
c. Acanthodians
d. Colacanth
2. Scientific name of
lizard fish is __________
a. Harpodon nehereus
b. Saurida tumbil
c. Atropus atropus
d. Silago sihama
3. The caudal fin is
___________ in the Bombay duck.
a. Trilobed
b. Bilobed
c. Rounded
d. lunate
4. _________ is the
world’s largest living arthropod.
a. American crayfish
b. Mantis shrimp
c. Japanese spider crab
d. Krill
5. Scientific name of
Kuruma shrimp is
a. Penaeus
b. Penaeus indicus
c. Fennoropenaeus
(Penaeus) merguiensis
d. Marsupenaeus
6. Sacculina is a root
headed barnacle parasitic on
a. Mole crab
b. Emerita
c. Prawn
d. Lobster
7. The following state
has the highest marine fish production in India.
a. Maharashtra
b. Gujarat
c. Kerala
d. Tamilnadu
8. Guts of mullet fish
carry a characteristic feature known as
a. Spiral valve
b. Gastric mill
c. Gizzard
d. Pyloric ceacae
9. Isometric growth
a. b=3
b. b?3
c. b<3
d. None of the above
10. Gonopodia are
a. Primary sex characters
b. Secondary sex characters
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
11. Fish detect food by
a. Sight
b. Lateral line system
c. Smell and taste
d. All of the above
12. Index of
preponderance is associated with
a. Gut content analysis
b. Reproductive analysis
c. Condition factor analysis
d. Percentage edibility analysis
13. In von Bertalanffy
Growth Formula ‘K’ stands for
a. Condition factor
b. Ponderal Index
c. Curvature parameter
d. Growth factor
14. ________ scales are
developed from the secretory activity of the both dermis and epidermis.
a. Placoid
b. Cycloid
c. Ctenoid
d. Non-placoid
15. Aerobic metabolism
in cells of body by using oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from
the body is called_______.
a. Aspiration
b. Respiration
c. Circulation
d. Urination
16. Specific gravity of
seawater fish is ______
a. 108%
b. 106%
c. 109%
d. 105%
17. _________ fish eyes
have lid like nictitating membranes which helps in cleaning the surface of the
a. Shark
b. Whale
c. Sperm Whale
d. Ray
18. Ecdysis means
a. Process of spawning
b. Enlargement of shell
c. Formation of new
exoskeleton inplace of old exoskeleton
d. Fattening of
19. Stain used for
marking shellfishes
a. Trypan
b. Trypan pink
c. Methlylene blue
d. Acriflavin
20. Gills are present on
pleopod in_______.
a. Free living copepod
b. Stomatopod
c. Crab
d. Euphuciacea
21 Mark recovery method
helps in _______.
a. Species identification
b. Estimation of fecundity
c. Breeding season identification
d. Aging
22 ________ tag is
mostly used for studying fish.
a. Atkin tag
b. Internal suture tag
c. Spaghetti tag
d. Dart tag
23_________ in
crustaceans is controlled by ‘juvenile hormone’ from the X-gland/Sinus gland
and ecdysone from the Y-gland.
a. Gonadal maturation
b. Reproduction
c. Moulting
d. Pituitary secretion
24 __________ are
responsible for the sense of touch, hearing and position.
a. Electroreceptors
b. Acoustics
c. Mechanoreceptors
d. Radioreceptors
25 Elasmobranchs possess
low-density oil named ________.
a. Squalene
b. Prolactin
c. Ambergris
d. Triglicerides
26 Ammonia produced in
the liver of the fish is converted into a non-toxic form in the blood called
a. Glutamine
b. Uric acid
c. Creatine
d. Creatinine
27 Animals that maintain
an osmotic difference between their body fluids and the surrounding environment
are considered as ________.
a. Osmoregulators
b. Osmohydrants
c. Osmoconformers
d. Osmogradients
28 _______ fish has high
water content of about 95%.
a. Bombay duck
b. Jelly fish
c. White fish
d. Lizard fish
29 In edible oysters,
the _______ larva changes into spat after 14-19 days.
a. Glochidium
b. Trochophore
c. Veliger
d. Pediveliger
30 Primitive larva of
Crustacea is ______.
a. Nauplius
b. Zoea
c. Trochophore
d. Mysis
31 Exclusively
carnivorous gastropods are ________.
a. Archaeogastropods
b. Mesogastropods
c. Neogastropods
d. All of the above
32 Ox-bow lakes are
formed by
a. Volcanic activity
b. River activity
c. Glacial activity
d. Tectonic activity
33 In an aquatic system
a depth where respiration and photosynthesis is balanced is
a. Euphotic zone
b. Abyssal depth
c. Profundal depth
d. Compensation depth
34 What is the total
area of estuaries of India?
a. 2.80 million ha
b. 2.70 million ha
c. 2.85 million ha
d. 2.75 million ha
35 Which is the largest
brackishwater lake in India?
a. Pulicate lake
b. Vembanad lake
c. Chilka lake
d. None of the above
36 Most important game
fish of India is __________.
a. Trout
b. Mahaseer
c. Cat fish
d. Freshwater shark
37 Tenualosa ilisha is
an example of a fish showing.
a. Catadromous migration
b. Anadromous migration
c. Not to migrate anywhere
d. None of the above
38 The Institute
responsible to carry out research and developmental work in Inland fisheries
sector in India is.
39 By ‘recruitment
overfishing’ we mean
a. Catching small fish before they recruit into the
b. Reduction in parental stock to an extent where
they are unable to produce sufficient recruits
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
40 By MSY we mean
a. Largest catch that is obtained for several years
b. Largest average catch that can be obtained again
and again
c. The highest catch from a fishery
d. The highest average catch from a fishery
41 Length-weight
a. Straight line
b. Curvilinear
c. Direct
d. No relationship
42 Sustainable yield is
synonymous to
a. MEY
b. Y
c. Equilibrium yield
d. MSY
43 Which of the
following considers the stock as a homogenous biomass?
a. Logistics models
b. Analytical models
c. Exploratory surveys
d. Holistic models
44 What is the area of
EEZ of India?
a. 2.02 x 103 Km2
b. 2.02 x 103 Km2
c. 2.02 x 106 Km2
d. 2.02 x 104 Km2
45 Floral components of
mangrove ecosystem include
a. Epiphytes
b. Sea grass
c. Phytoplankton
d. All of the above
46 The important pelagic
finfish group of Indian coast is:
a. Oil sardine, Lesser sardine, Mackerel
b. Anchovies, Ribbon fishes, Carangids
c. a and b group
d. None of the above
47 Which one of the
following is cray fish?
a. Sillago shima
b. Ambasis cuvier
c. Procambarus clarkii
d. Ictalurus punctatus
48 The Indian Fisheries
Act was enacted in __________.
a. 1897
b. 1887
c. 1890
d. None of the above
49 The important
demersal finfish fisheries of the world are
a. Cods, Hake
b. Haddock, Menhaden
c. Pollack, Catfishes
d. All of the above
50 The Indo-Norwegian
project was started in the year
a. 1950
b. 1952
c. 1960
d. 1962
51 Who is the ‘Father of
Marine Fisheries Development’?
a. Sir M. Peterson
b. Sir F. Nicholson
c. Sir J. Bose
d. none of the above
52 Mark and recapture is
_________ method of population enumeration.
a. a direct
b. an indirect
c. a back calculation
d. None of the above
53 ‘Lω’ stands for
a. Asymptotic length
b. Mean length at recruitment
c. Length of fish
d. Instantaneous rate of growth
54 Instantaneous rate of
fishing mortality is denoted by a symbol
a. F
b. M
c. Z
d. G
55 ________ is an
intraspecific group of randomly mating individuals with temporal or spatial
a. Biomass
b. Population
c. Standing crop
d. Stock
56 Diurnal range of air
temperature over sea is less than_____
a. 20C
b. 50C
c. 10C
d. 30C
57 The apparent force
resulting from rotation of earth, which causes wind deflection, is known as
a. Coriolis acceleration
b. Coriolis force
c. Coriolis parameter
d. Wind force
58 __________ Satellite
is launched to measure sea surface altimetry.
59 Hydrostatic pressures
in the sea increases by _________ per meter depth.
a. 1bar
b. 10mbar
c. 1decibar
d. 10decibar
60 Hydrodynamics is
studied under the division_________.
a. Marine Engineering
b. Chemical oceanography
c. Biological oceanography
d. Physical oceanography
61 Red tide occurs when
there is bloom of______.
a. Diatoms
b. Dinoflagellates
c. Cocolithophores
d. Ceratium
62 The ________zone is
the productive zone of the sea and its extent varies with the availability of
a. Dysphotic
b. Euphotic
c. Aphotic
d. Abyssal
63 Cosmoid,
Ganoid and bony –ridge are ______ types of fish scales.
a. Non-placoid
b. Placoid
c. Naked
d. Non-naked
64 IUCN is an
abbreviated form of_________.
a. Indian Union of Coral Nature
b. International Union for Conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources.
c. Integrated Union for Conservation of
d. Indian Union for Conservation of
65 The first Indian Marine
Park was set up at
a. Malvan
b. Sunderbans
c. Jamnagar
d. Tuticorin
66 Johansberg hosted an
earth summit in______.
a. 2002
b. 1992
c. 2005
d. 1998
67 __________ is an
example of marine wood borers.
a. Pseudomonas
b. Vibrio
c. Bacillus
d. Limnoria
68 _______ is a home
place for dugout canoe.
a. Kerala
b. Maharashtra
c. Gujarat
d. Karnataka
69 Monofilaments are
prepared from
a. PVD
b. PES
c. PVC
d. PVA
70 Fly-mesh is a
full-sized mesh but has only
a. One knot instead of usual two
b. Two knots instead of usual four
c. Three knots instead of usual four
d. None of the above
71 ________ is a type of
line fishing without hook.
a. Bobbin
b. Rake
c. Eel comb
d. Continuos hook
72 Squid jigs have a
circle of _________hooks.
a. Barbed
b. Inverted
c. Barb less
d. Overturned
73 __________ is an
example of a fishing method used to capture fish in air.
a. Chinese lift net
b. Cover pot
c. Cast net
d. Verandah net
74 _________ indicates
the vessel is anchored.
a. Red light
b. Black ball in forepart
c. Green light
d. Blue light
75 GPS provides
a. Latitude
b. Longitude
c. Altitude
d. Both a & b
76 One nautical mile
means _______kms
a. 1.70
b. 1.008
c. 1.852
d. 1.0852
77 Ocean is a _______
a. Government
b. Common
c. International
d. Central government
78 MEY refers to
a. Maximum Economic Yield
b. Maximum Effort Yield
c. Maximum Ecological Yield
d. Marine Ecological Yield
79 International trade
for export or import of crustaceans and mollusks, fresh, frozen, dried, salted
falls under______.
c. FAO I
d. FAO
80 The concept of Krishi
Vigyan Kendra was introduced by
a. Mohan Singh Mehta
b. Dr.Balwant Rai Mehta
c. Hemant Mehta
d. Prashant Mehta
81 The basic philosophy
of extension education is to teach people
a. What
to think and what to do
b. How to think and how to do
c. How to think and not what to think
d. How to think and how to work
82 A _______ is an
intense educational activity for motivating and mobilizing a community to
action, to solve a problem or to satisfy a need.
a. Mass meeting
b. Campaign
c. Farm visit
d. Exhibition
83 Catching and dealing
in Whale shark invites prosecution under
a. Indian Fisheries Act 1897
b. Marine Fishing Regulation Act
c. Wildlife Protection Act
d. Maritime Act
84 In India, shrimp
farming is regulated and controlled by
d. Aquaculture Authority
85 ___________ is known
as freshwater shark
a. Clarius batrachus
b. Channa straitus
c. Wallago attu
d. Clarius garripineus
86 Contiguous zone of
the sea extends upto ________ nautical miles from the baseline.
a. 12
b. 24
c. 30
d. 200
87 As per which article
of Constitution of India fisheries is a state subject?
a. Article 370
b. Article 246
c. Article 297
d. Article 300
88. The concept of pulse
fishing is adopted by _________ countries.
a. Distant water
b. Land locked
c. Archipelagic
d. Coastal
89 The world’s first
marine protected area was __________.
a. Fort Jefferson national monument
b. Great barrier reef
c. Chilka lake
d. Sunderbans
90 Find out the odd in
following with respect to functions of Extension education.
a. Knowledge
b. Achievement
c. Skill
d. Goal
91 ICAR established the
section of extension education in the year
a. 1969
b. 1970
c. 1971
d. 1972
92 The choice of channel
for marketing is not depend upon
a. Market
b. Infrastructure facility
c. Product
d. Price
93 ________ does not
have fixed seat in the market
a. Vendor
b. Wholesaler
c. Commission agent
d. Auctioner
94 Which sampling method
do you suggest for heterogeneous population?
a. Simple random
b. Systamatic
c. Stratified
d. Sequential
95 χ2 is applied to which type of data?
a. Interval
b. Measurement
c. Attribute
d. Rank
96 Fishes having a mixed
diet are termed as__________.
a. Stenophagous
b. Monophagous
c. Euryphagous
d. Microphagus
97 Kidney shaped dark
scar is the identifying character of the oyster
a. Saccostrea cuculata
b. Crassostrea rivularis
c. Crassostrea madrasensis
d. Crassostrea gryphoides
98 _________ is the
leading country in export of ornamental fishes.
a. Singapore
b. China
c. Srilanka
d. USA
99 Primitive larvae of
a. Nauplius
b. Trochophore
c. Velliger
d. Zoea
100 The widest area of
continental slope belongs to
a. Maharashtra coast
b. Andhra coast
c. Gujarat coast
d. Tamilnadu coast
101 Which is the longest
river system in India?
a. Indus
b. Ganga
c. Bramhaputra
d. Mahanadi
102 Beels/ oxbow lakes
are mostly distributed in
a. Tamilnadu
b. Gujarat
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. Assam
103 The mudflat and
saline swamps located in West Bengal are called as
a. Bheries
b. Lagoon
c. Backwater
d. Embanked brackishwater
104 Which fish is placed
under Chondrichthyes?
a. Herring
b. Eel
c. Loaches
d. Shark
105 Which is the
anadromous fish?
a. Hilsa
b. Catfish
c. Magur
d. Pangassius
106 Which River system
is the original habitat of Indian Major Carps?
a. Indus
b. Ganga
c. Brahmaputra
d. Narmada
107 Which animals among
the following has headfoot?
a. Garden Snail
b. Freshwater mussel
c. Seamussel
d. Cuttle fish
108 Scientific name of
big eye tuna?
a. T. alalunga
b. T.albacores
c. T. obesus
d. T.tonggol
109 Unio is
a. Edible oyster
b. Freshwater mussel
c. Freshwater snail
d. Sea mussel
Objective questions for Fisheries and Aquaculture with answers.
Answer Key
1 |
b |
11 |
d |
21 |
d |
31 |
c |
41 |
b |
51 |
b |
61 |
b |
71 |
a |
81 |
c |
91 |
c |
2 |
b |
12 |
a |
22 |
c |
32 |
b |
42 |
c |
52 |
b |
62 |
b |
72 |
c |
82 |
b |
92 |
b |
3 |
a |
13 |
c |
23 |
c |
33 |
d |
43 |
d |
53 |
a |
63 |
a |
73 |
d |
83 |
c |
93 |
a |
4 |
b |
14 |
a |
24 |
c |
34 |
b |
44 |
c |
54 |
a |
64 |
b |
74 |
b |
84 |
d |
94 |
c |
5 |
d |
15 |
b |
25 |
a |
35 |
c |
45 |
d |
55 |
d |
65 |
c |
75 |
d |
85 |
c |
95 |
c |
6 |
a |
16 |
d |
26 |
a |
36 |
b |
46 |
a |
56 |
c |
66 |
a |
76 |
c |
86 |
b |
96 |
c |
7 |
b |
17 |
a |
27 |
a |
37 |
b |
47 |
c |
57 |
b |
67 |
d |
77 |
b |
87 |
b |
97 |
c |
8 |
c |
18 |
c |
28 |
b |
38 |
d |
48 |
a |
58 |
a |
68 |
a |
78 |
a |
88 |
a |
98 |
a |
9 |
a |
19 |
a |
29 |
d |
39 |
b |
49 |
d |
59 |
c |
69 |
a |
79 |
b |
89 |
a |
99 |
b |
10 |
b |
20 |
b |
30 |
a |
40 |
b |
50 |
b |
60 |
d |
70 |
b |
80 |
a |
90 |
b |
100 |
c |
101 |
b |
111 |
a |
121 |
b |
131 |
c |
141 |
b |
151 |
a |
161 |
c |
171 |
c |
181 |
d |
191 |
a |
102 |
d |
112 |
b |
122 |
d |
132 |
a |
142 |
d |
152 |
d |
162 |
d |
172 |
d |
182 |
b |
192 |
a |
103 |
a |
113 |
a |
123 |
a |
133 |
a |
143 |
b |
153 |
c |
163 |
a |
173 |
d |
183 |
a |
193 |
c |
104 |
d |
114 |
d |
124 |
a |
134 |
c |
144 |
b |
154 |
a |
164 |
c |
174 |
d |
184 |
a |
194 |
c |
105 |
a |
115 |
d |
125 |
b |
135 |
b |
145 |
c |
155 |
a |
165 |
d |
175 |
a |
185 |
b |
195 |
d |
106 |
b |
116 |
d |
126 |
d |
136 |
d |
146 |
b |
156 |
a |
166 |
d |
176 |
b |
186 |
c |
196 |
c |
107 |
d |
117 |
c |
127 |
b |
137 |
b |
147 |
b |
157 |
c |
167 |
b |
177 |
a |
187 |
a |
197 |
c |
108 |
c |
118 |
a |
128 |
a |
138 |
c |
148 |
b |
158 |
c |
168 |
a |
178 |
c |
188 |
c |
198 |
b |
109 |
b |
119 |
d |
129 |
a |
139 |
b |
149 |
a |
159 |
a |
169 |
b |
179 |
a |
189 |
a |
199 |
d |
110 |
b |
120 |
a |
130 |
c |
140 |
a |
150 |
c |
160 |
a |
170 |
c |
180 |
a |
190 |
d |
200 |
b |
MCQ in Fisheries and Aquaculture with Answers